Advanced troubleshooting, Customer service, Adult supervision recommended) – Elenco Circuit Maker Sound Plus 200 User Manual

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Advanced Troubleshooting

(Adult supervision recommended)




is not responsible for parts

damaged due to incorrect wiring.

If you suspect you have damaged parts, you

can follow this procedure to systematically

determine which ones need replacing:

Note: Some of these tests connect an LED directly

across the batteries without another component

to limit the current. Normally this might damage

the LED, however, Circuit Maker LEDs have

internal resistors added to protect them from

incorrect wiring, and will not be damaged.


Red LED (D1), 4.5V lamp (L4), speaker

(SP2), and battery holder (B3):


batteries in holder. Place the red LED

directly across the battery holder (LED + to

battery +); it should light. Place the 4.5V

lamp directly across the battery holder, it

should light. “Tap” the speaker across the

battery holder contacts, you should hear

static as it touches. If none work, then

replace your batteries and repeat. If still bad,

then the battery holder is damaged.


Jumper wires:

Use this mini-circuit to test

each jumper wire, the lamp should light.


Snap wires:

Use this mini-circuit to test

each of the snap wires, one at a time. The

lamp should light.


Slide switch (S1) and press switch (S2):

Build Project #1; if the lamp (L4) doesn’t light

then the slide switch is bad. Replace the

slide switch with the press switch to test it.


100W (R1), 1KW (R2), and 5.1KW (R3)


Build Project #10; the red LED

should be bright. If not, then R1 is damaged.

Next use the 1KW and 5.1KW resistors in

place of the 100W resistor; the LED should

be dimmer but still light.


Microphone (X1) and photoresistor (RP):

Build Project #13; if blowing into the

microphone does not change the LED (D1)

brightness then the microphone is bad.

Replace the microphone with the

photoresistor. Waving your hand over the

photoresistor (changing the light that shines

on it) should change the brightness of the

LED or the photoresistor is bad.


NPN transistor (Q2):

Build the mini-circuit

shown here. The LED (D1) should only be

on if the press switch (S2) is pressed. If

otherwise, then the NPN is damaged.


PNP transistor (Q1):

Build the mini-circuit

shown here. The LED (D1) should only be

on if the press switch (S2) is pressed. If

otherwise, then the PNP is damaged.


Adjustable resistor (RV):

Build Project

#14, the resistor control lever can turn the

LED (D1) on and off.


Recording IC (U6):

Build Project #4.

Make an 8 second recording, then listen to

the three pre-recorded songs.


Space war IC (U3:

Build Project #2, both

switches (S1 and S2) should change the



Whistle chip (WC):

Build Project #165.

When you press the press switch (S2) you

should hear sound.


100KW resistor (R5), 0.1mF (C2)

capacitor and 10mF capacitor (C3):

Build Project #120, it makes sound unless

the resistor is bad. Place the 0.1mF

capacitor on top of the whistle chip (WC)

and the sound changes (pitch is lower).

Replace the 0.1mF with the 10mF (“+” on

left) and the circuit will “click” about once

a second.


100mF (C4) capacitors:

Build Project #75,

press the press switch (S2) and turn on the

slide switch (S1). The LED (D1) should be

lit for about 5 seconds then go out (press

the press switch again to reset this).

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