American Energy Systems Country Flame Little Rascal User Manual

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Version 1.0c

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1. Ensure this manual has been read and understood thoroughly.

2. Remove hopper lid and fill hopper with pellets. Replace hopper lid.

3. If auger has been “primed” proceed to Step 4. “Prime” the new pellet stove with fuel. Priming

fills the auger tube with pellets and reduces delays in igniting fuel. Priming the auger should
be completed for a new stove or whenever the stove has been run out of fuel. To prime the
stove: a) CONTINUOUSLY PRESS the “on/off” until b) the red light (igniter symbol) begins
to quickly blink and c) the green light (auger symbol) lights comes on, d) release the “on/off”
button after events b & c occur. The heat setting indicator lights (4 yellow and 1 red light) will
light from low to high, turn off, and then quickly repeat the lighting process as long as the
stove is in the prime mode. Prime mode continues for about 10 minutes (automatic timeout) or
until the operator disables ‘prime’ by holding “on/off” button for 5 seconds (green light next to
on/off button turns red.) Empty the fire pot if a large quantity of fuel has been allowed to feed
into the firepot during the ‘prime’ mode. Proceed to the “lighting process.”

4. To ignite the stove, push and hold the “ON/OFF” button for 5 seconds (light next to the

“ON/OFF” button will turn from red to green.) Release “ON/OFF” button. NOTE: If you
hold the on/off button too long, the stove will go into the prime mode as defined in Step 3.
Once ignition (start-up) mode has begun, the light next to the igniter symbol (red) will turn on
and the light next to the auger symbol (green) will start blinking.

5. The stove will automatically light and complete the ignition cycle. Adjustment of the air

damper control may be necessary depending on local site conditions.

6. When the ignition cycle is complete the stove will start up in the # 3 heat setting.

7. Set the heat setting by pushing the red or blue arrow buttons.

8. The Room Air Blower will activate once its heat sensor warms up. This takes a few minutes.

9. If new, an odor may occur as the paint cures on the stove. This is normal

10. You are now ready to enjoy your new Country Flame Pellet stove.

11. IF electronic ignition ever fails, you may use Starting Gel to IGNITE pellets.

12. Starting Gel can be obtained from your Hearth store. DO NOT USE CHARCOAL

LIGHTER!! Place pellets in the firepot by hand. Squirt gel on top of the pellet bed in the
firepot. Immediately light the gel and close the door. Once the pellets are burning, push the
“On/Off” button until the light turns green. Release the “On/Off” button and monitor the stove
start up for a few minutes.

13. Questions or concerns about lighting or other stove operations should be directed to a local

Country Flame dealer.


Contact your Country Flame dealer.