Data average mode (post-trigger and, Figure 3-9, Re-trigger mode acquisition – ADLINK PXIe-9852 User Manual

Page 34

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Figure 3-9: Re-Trigger Mode Acquisition


Data Average Mode (Post-Trigger and Delayed-

Trigger only)

In normal post-trigger mode acquisition, N samples/channel data
are generated for a single trigger event. In Re-trigger mode (See
“Acquisition with Re-Triggering” on page 23.), a total of N * R sam-
ples/channel data is generated for R trigger events, that is, R
traces (A trace contains N samples/channel). In Data Average
Mode, only N samples/channel data are generated for R trigger
events. The single trace data (N samples/channel) is the average
of the R traces sample by sample.

The output data format is 16-bit or 32-bit signed integer, software

selectable. When higher measurement accuracy is desired, data
average mode with 32 bit data output can improve the resolution.

According to oversampling practice, the retrigger times R required

to get n bits of additional resolution is R = 4^n. Please note that in
order for data average mode to work properly, components of sig-
nal of interest, such as period and magnitude, should be consis-
tent during conversion.