ADLINK cPCI-9116 User Manual

Page 94

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• Software Utility & Calibration

7.2.2 VR


There are 4 variable resistors (VR) on the 9116 series board that allows you to
make adjustments to the A/D channels. The function of each VR is specified in
Table 18.


A/D unipolar offset adjustment


A/D bipolar offset adjustment


A/D full scale adjustment


PGA offset adjustment

Table 18. Functions of VRs

7.2.3 A/D


When you choose the calibration function from the main menu list, a calibration
items menu is displayed on the screen. After you have select one of the
calibration items from the calibration items menu, a calibration window displays
on the screen. The upper window outlines the

procedures that must be

carefully followed to calibrate the 9116 series card. The instructions will
guide you through the calibration process step by

step. The bottom

window shows the layout of the 9116 series card and the Variable Resister (VR)
that needs to be adjusted will blink.

****** cPCI-9116 Calibration ******

<1> A/D PGA offset adjusting

<2> A/D (Bipolar Gain = 1, -5V ~ 5V) adjusting

<3> A/D (Unipolar Gain = 1, 0V ~ 10V) adjusting


Select 1 to 3 or to quit calibration.

Figure 23: A/D Adjustment menu Screen