Passive arming – Directed Electronics 120XV User Manual

Page 14

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© 2 0 0 4 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

the in-vehicle’s status LED is flashing in groups, see the Diagnostics

Section of this guide. This extra chirp is called Bypass Notification.

The remote responds to active arming with one beep and the Orange

LED will flash 3-times to indicate successful arming of the system.

If after 2-seconds the remote beeps once and the Orange and Red LEDs

flash 3-times, the system has detected an active sensor that should be


If after 2-seconds the remote beeps once, the Orange LED flashes 6-times

and the Red LED lights for 3-seconds, the system has detected an open

door, hood or trunk and has been bypassed.

passive arming

The system can be programmed to arm itself automatically (called pas-

sive arming). If the system is programmed for passive arming, it will auto-

matically arm 30 seconds after the ignition is turned off and the system

detects that you have left the vehicle by opening and closing a door.

Whenever the system is in its 30-second passive arming countdown, the

in-vehicle status LED will flash twice as fast as it does when the system

is armed. At the 20-second point of the countdown, the siren will chirp

to indicate that the system is about to arm. At the 30-second point, the

parking lights will flash to indicate that the system is armed.

The remote responds to passive arming with one beep and the Orange

LED will flash 3-times to indicate successful arming of the system.