Bald eagle – Wingscapes Birdcam Discovery Guide User Manual
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WINGSCAPES Backyard Bird Discovery Guide
WINGSCAPES Backyard Bird Discovery Guide
An Identification Guide to Common Backyard Birds
& W
Bald Eagle
One summer we took our BirdCam
with us to Homer, Alaska. We were
sitting out in a friend’s gazebo when
a flock of Sandhill Cranes flew over-
head. They circled and landed in the
grass right next to us. We set up the
BirdCam and excitedly watched as it
took the most amazing shots. We sat quietly in the gazebo,
surrounded by 32 of these magnificent birds—a magical day
which we will never forget.
—Shirley & Wayne Grossman
About the bird:
Once pushed to
the edge of extinction by the use of
harmful pesticides such as DDT, the
Bald Eagle is now making a steady
comeback throughout North America.
Most abundant in Alaska
and western Canada; winters across
most of the U.S.
About the photo:
This photo
captures an adult Bald Eagle from its
high vantage point studying the
surrounding landscape for prey.
Photograph by:
Shirley & Wayne
Grossman with a BirdCam (original).
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