Viconics VZ7656E Installation Guide User Manual

Page 26

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26 | VZ7656E1000W Installation Guide

Min FA

Minimum Fresh Air Value

Default value = 0 CFM

Minimum fresh air required. Effective only in Occupied

mode (Fan is ON). This value is used to determine the

fresh air damper position based on the Min/Max CO2 and

Min/Max FA values (if FA Range is set to other than 0

CFM). See Fresh Air Damper Position section for more


0 to 20 000 CFM (0 to 9438 L/s) (the value set cannot

exceed the value of FA Range parameter), 10 or 100


Max FA

Maximum Fresh Air Value

Default value = 0 CFM

Maximum fresh air allowed. Effective only in Occupied

mode (Fan is ON). This value is used to determine the

fresh air damper position based on the Min/Max CO2 and

Min/Max FA values set (if FA Range is set to other than 0

CFM). See Fresh Air Damper Position section for more


0 to 20 000 CFM (0 to 9438 L/s) (the value set cannot

exceed the value of FA Range parameter), 10 or 100


Min CO2

Minimum CO2 Level

Default value = 800 ppm

Minimum CO2 Level required. Effective only in Occupied

mode (Fan is ON). This value is used to determine the

fresh air damper position based on the Min/Max CO2 and

Min/Max Pos values set. See Fresh Air Damper Position

section for more details.

0 to 2000 ppm, 10 or 100 increments

Max CO2

Maximum CO2 Level

Default value = 1200 ppm

Maximum CO2 Level allowed. Effective only in Occupied

mode (Fan is ON). This value is used to determine the

fresh air damper position based on the Min/Max CO2 and

Min/Max Pos values set. See Fresh Air Damper Position

section for more details.

0 to 2000 ppm, 10 or 100 increments