USL CM-10 User Manual
Page 8
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Pins 1-4
: Input
s from
Amplifier output
s - connect to
the power amplifier speaker output
s corresponding to
Ls, Rs, Bsl & Bsr
Pins 5-8
: Crossover output
s - connect to the power
amplifier input
s corresponding to Bsl+, Bsl-, Bsr+, Bsr-
channels, Ground and Line Out. Note: Line Out level
is af
fected by
Amplifier level (4) and Processor level
6. HD-15 connector - connect to SW amplifier
7. HD-15 connector - connect to Bsl/Bsr amplifier
8. HD-15 connector - connect to Ls/Rs amplifier
9. Crossover output
s - connect to the power amplifier
s corresponding to Rch+, Rch-, Rcm+, Rcm-,
Rcl+, Rcl- Ls+, Ls-, Rs+, Rs-, SW+ & SW
- channels.
10. HD-15 connector - connect to Rcl amplifer
1. HD-15 connector - connect to Rcm*/h amplifier
12. HD-15 connector - connect to Lc amplifier
13. HD-15 connector - connect to Lcm*/h amplifier
14. Crossover output
s - connect to the power amplifier
s corresponding to Rh+, Rh-, Rm+, Rm-,Rl+, Rl,
Lch+, Lch-, Lcm+, Lcm-, Lcl+ & Lcl- channels.
21. HD-15 connector - connect to Lm*/h amplifier
22. Processor level - this trimpot adjust
s the sensitivity
of the front p
anel Bargraph meter and Line Out when in
Processor mode.
23. Bargraph level - this trimpot adjust
s the sensitivity
of the front p
anel VU Bargraph.
24. Main input - connect this to the main output
s of the
AC Emergency power input - 12-16V
AC, 0.5A
26. Channel configuration DIP
switches. See p
age 15.
27. Optional input - connect these to the EX output
s of
the processor
* - When used in Biamp mode, Mid band becomes
the Low band output