Top Flite Antares User Manual
Page 5

and F-9 Now remove formers F-4, F-5 and F-9 from
their sheets U s i n g a r u l e r a n d pencil,line the ruler up
with the mark made earlier for the servo output arm
location and draw a light intersect line at the posi-
tions of F-5 and F 9 Hold F 5 in place on the fuselage
side and mark the location of the intersect line onto
the former Repeat this for F 9 Mark the other side of
the formers for the output arm location for the rudder
cable housing Sand or file a 1/8" slot on each side of
these two formers, thus creating positioning and
mounting locations for the rudder and stab cable
housing tubes after these formers are in place (see
F-5 and F 9 cross sections) Lastly, sand or file a
similar slot in the lower right corner of formers F-4,
F-5 and F-9 for clearance of the internal antenna tube
Note on the plans, at least with the radio installation
shown, that the rudder and stab tubes are in place
just over the top of both the aileron and flap servo
rails Check how your installation will fit in place and
be sure everything clears
10. In this step we are going to "pre-position" both the
aileron and flap servos Studying the plans you can
see how the operation of these two servos affects the
two control surf aces and a I so what the relationshipof
their locations within the fuselage needs to be in
relationship to the wing panels Note that the flap
servo is located as far aft as possible to allow plenty
of clearance for the spring wing retainerand hooks In
the case of the use of a releasable or captive towhook
system, such as that shown, clearance is available for
getting to and tightening screws as needed Access
to the flap servo is directly through the top, rear
hatch, as shown The flap servo, as you can see,
needs to be positioned so that its output arm is
roughly centered within the slots on each side of the
fuselage This assures easy, bind-free operation of
the flaps and quick, non critical assembly of the air-
plane at the flying field Mark the locations of the
required two lengths of1/32"x 3/8" ply servo rails for the
flap servo onto the sides of the fuselage A trick that
we have used is to now cut a short length of 1/16" x 1/4"
balsa and glue it in place on each fuselage side to
later act as a gluing shelf and locator for the servo
rails We have used this technique for a l l of the servos
and it really saves time and f r u s t r a t i o n later on Next,
we are going to do the same thing for the aileron
servo Looking at the Top View of the fuselage plans,
you can see that access to this servo is meant to be
provided by the heavy fuselage canopy angle at this
section You will also note that we did not provide
aileron linkage holes through the fuselage sides or
the ply root ribs The reason for this is simple, differ-
ent radio systems and servos would not all work For
this reason, these holes will have to be made by you,
based on your servos and their shapes The first step
for positioning the aileron servo is to develop the
proper output wheel for driving the ailerons Note the
drawing at the bottom of the fuselage plans This is a
typical servo output wheel that is trimmed as shown.
The two arm s that are I eft arc a bout 3 / 8 " a p a r t ( hole-to-
hole). As you can see from the Top View shown on the
left-hand side of the wing plan, the left aileron clevis
attaches to one arm and the right side uses the other
arm. This sim ple system of connecting the ailerons to
the servo also imparts a highly desirable feature to
the actual operation of them—this is called differen-
tial Simply put, differential is the unequal movement
of the ailerons, in our case about 2 1 Full throw in
one direction will move one aileron a total of 1/2" "up"
and at the same time only moves the other aileron 1/4"
"down " Almost all flat-wing, high aspect ratio air-
craft (such as sailplanes) use some differential to
correct adverse yaw conditions The set-up we show
on the ANTARES plans works extremely well and has
the virtue of simplicity Once you have made this
output arm and have it in place on the aileron servo.
place the servo directly onto the right fuselage side,
about where it is shown on the plans Note that it
must fit in place behind F-5 and high enough to
position the output arm within the outline of F-10.
However, it must not be so high as to interfere with
the seating of the canopy Once satisfied, mark the
locations of the servo rails to mount it and mark or
roughly sketch a 1/4" dia circle where the output arm
will pick-up the aileron cable and clevis Again, we
would suggest that you memorialize the locations of
the aileron servo rails with the short lengths of 1/16" x
1/4" balsa for ease of installation later
Now drill a 1/4" dia. hole directly through the fuselage
side at the point marked for the aileron output arm.
This then becomes your "drill guide" for the remain-
ing fuselage side and both W-1's and F-10's As be-
fore, use a length of 11/32" tube and 1/8" tube to first
accurately locate each part to the "drill guide" fuse
side, then drill the 1/4" dia hole
11. Remove three (3) 36" lengths of the white cable hous-
ing tubes from your kit box Rough-up their outer
surf aces with medium sandpaper Do this completely,
we want adhesive to adhere to them Set these aside
for installation shortly,
12. Next, make the fin tailpost You can see from the plans
that this is made from 1/4" x 1/2" balsa stock, laminated
edge-to-edge and cut to the taper shown Now locate
the shaped and drilled 1/4" ply stab pivot block Accu-
rately note its location on the tailpost with a pencil.
Take care here to be as accurate as possible—this
block ultimately locates your stabilator to the fin Cut
the tailpost apart to accept the pivot block and glue
the block in place Allow to dry and remove from the
building board.
13 Locate the die cut sheet holding the two 1/8" balsa "fin
skins " Remove these from the sheet and while hold-
ing them accurately together, matching outer edges
and the oblong cut outs, use a sanding block and
light sandpaper to "match" their outer edges identi-
cally—we want them exactly the same Now take one
of these skins and lay it directly over the plans and
with a pencil mark the locations of the top and center
1/4" x 1/2" balsa horizontal braces and the lower 1/4" sq.
cross-brace and stab cable tubing support. Set aside
for use in Step 14
14. You have already removed and modified formers F-4,
F-5 and F-9 back in Step 9 Remove formers F-7 and
F-8 from their sheet as well Formers F 5, F-7, F-8 and
F-9 are all exactly the same width, 15/8 Hold them all
together and use a sanding block to make sure
they're all the same width Lay the right fuselage side
over the side view of the plans and pin accurately in