For "down" flap deployment – Top Flite Antares User Manual
Page 16

feature, make doubly sure that the flap is installed to
provide the correct throw direction Some healthy dam-
age could be done to the servo and or the airframe if it
moves the wrong way' Once satisfied, route the servo
l e a d through the fuselage and into the receiver.
Install the stabilator and rudder servos next If additional
clearance is needed for your output arms the inside of the
fuselage sides at that point can be sligntly routed-out as
shown on the plans. Route the leads into the receiver
The aileron servo is next Note that when viewed from the
side (see plans) this servo's output arm is centered within
the 1/4" holes in the fuselage and F-10's When viewed
from the top, the servo is directly in place over the
fuselage center line
*Note that the threaded brass cable connectors supplied
with your kit each has a 5/16" deep hole in the base for
cable/connector soldering purposes It will be necessary,
particularly in the flap and aileron servo areas, to cut-
down the depth of these holes to achieve all of the desired
movement. This is easily done with a carbide cut off
wheel. Also, the carbide cut-off wheel is perfect for cut-
ting the braided cable supplied, to length As mentioned
-earlier, we use Hams' Stay-Bute solder and Stay-Clean
flux for all solder connections Whenever making a cable/
connector solder joint, always pre-solder the cable end
first, put a little flux in the connector hole and then use the
iron to "sweat" the joint. Always check for straight, per-
manent solder joints before installing the cable When-
ever making a solder connection in or around the
fuselage, protect the surrounding area with scraps of
aluminium foil.
Locate the four nylon flap and aileron horns. Pre-thread
them with a 4-40 bolt and then thread them in place on the
4-40 bolts on the flaps and ailerons Locate them about
1/8" below the top ofthe bolt-end as shown Assemble the
wings to the fuselage with the joiner rods and spring
keeper in place on the wing hook. Start by soldering a
connector to one end of each of the two 48" aileron
cables—these connectors, as shown, should have their
hole depth cut-down to 1/8". Now thread a nylon clevis
onto each of the threaded connectors Install the other
end of these cables into the wing panels, from the fuse-
lage and connect the clevis' to their respective holes in
the servo output arm Now use your radio to check the
movement, left and right, of this connection Once satis-
fied, set the transmitter trims in neutral and make the
outboard aileron cable connector joints Thread the
clevis' in place and connect them to the horns Note that
this connection system provides very fine adjustment
The flap drive cable is made by cutting one of the 36"
lengths provided into two 18" lengths Make all the con-
nections necessary for the flaps in the same manner you
did for the ailerons Note the diagram provided that
illustrates the way we set the transmitter up for the
operation of flaps and reflexing them This system has
proven to be flawless in actual operation.