Installation on linux/unix – Solvline PB2xxxUG User Manual
Page 48

1. Installation on Linux/Unix
Only Redirector software is provided for Linux/Unix environment.
Installation steps of Redirector for Linux/Unix are as follows:
1) Insert the Portbase CD.
2) Create a ‘RTCP’ directory under the Linux/Unix client’s /etc directory.
mkdir /etc/rtcp
3) Change to ‘etc/rtcp’ directory.
cd /etc/rtcp
4) Copy the ‘rtcp’ program to /etc.rtcp directory, then uncompress it.
tar xvf rtcp.tar
The following files are generated.
: The execution file creator
rtcp.c : ‘rtcp’ program source code
rtcp.conf : Configuration file used to connect each Portbase’s port and socket.
rtcp.doc : rtcp Help
util.c, rtcp.h : Reference header file
5) Modify ‘Makefile’ compiling options according to your Linux/Unix system and versions.
Following Unix OS are supported.
SVR4, ESIX 3.2, Interactive 386/ix, CLIX, RS/6000, SCOUNIX,
HP-UX, SunOS, DEC, Linux
6) Generate the execution file by compiling the ‘rtcp’ source.
If compiling errors occur, verify if the ‘makefile’ has the exact definition for your O/S version.
When compiling again, remove the previously generated ‘obj’ file first.
7) The installation is completed with the execution of the ‘/etc/rtcp/rtcp’ generated..
8) If the ‘rtcp’ program needs to be removed from your PC, use the following command;.
rm –rf /etc/rtcp