Glossary – Philips CDI200/37 User Manual

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For your convenience, the following list of terms is provided to help you imderstand the CD-I Player and its

AUDIO OUT - There are two jacks located on the back of your

CD-I Player. They are used to send audio (sound) from the
Player to either the TV, Stereo Receiver, or Amplifier. You

could also hook it up to a VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) or

Audio Cassette Recorder to record soimd sent out from your

CD, CD-DA, or CD-AUDIO - Terms to describe a disc that

produces only audio (sound) for your CD-I Player.

CD = Compact Disc

CD-DA = Compact Disc-Digital Audio

CD-Audio = Compact Disc Audio

CD GRAPHICS - a technique for generating text, still

pictures, or animated graphics that are related to the sound

portion of the Compact Disc (CD).

CD-I - Compact Disc Interactive. A type of disc with both

pictures and sound. Interacting with the disc allows you to

tailor it to your taste.

CD-I PLAYER - Compact Disc Interactive Player. A device

that allows you to play several types of discs, including CD-Is,
CDs, Photo-CDs, and CD-ROM XA (Bridge).

CD-I/TV SELECTOR BUTTON - This button turns the

signal sent from the CD-I Player to the TV on and off. When

turned ON, only sound and/or pictures sent from the Player
itself rvill be seen and heard on your TV. When turned OFF,

picture and sound received from your antenna, cable system,
or VCR can be seen and heard on your TV.

CD-ROM-XA (Bridge) - One of several types of discs you can

play in your CD-I Player.

DISPLAY - Lights up on Player's Display Panel showing

which feature(s) being used.

FEATURE - A task the CD-I Player can perform. For example,

the Dim feature of the Player -will dim your TV screen if it is


ICON - a display on one of the CD-I shell screens. The icon

shows where to place the arrow and press on one of the
ACTION buttons to begin that feature. Example: "PLAY CD-I

►" on the CD-I screen. Place the arrow on top of the and

click on one of the ACTION button and the CD-I begins


MODE - The operating condition or status of the CD-I Player.

This is determined by the function currently engaged and/or

the setting selected. For example, "Play mode”.

PAUSE - Temporarily stopping play of a CD-Audio. When in

the Play mode, press the PAUSE button to put the CD-I Player
m the Pause mode.

PHOTO-CD - A type of compact disc on which photographs

have been stored.

PLAY - The act of the Player taking the pictiu-e and/or sound

from a disc and sending it to your TV and/or Stereo Receiver
or Amplifier. You must press the PLAY button or select the
PLAY icon before the Player \Adll start reading a disc.

REMOTE CONTROL - By pressing the buttons on the

remote, signals are sent to the CD-I player to perform desired
task(s), for example, PLAY.

RF COAXIAL CABLE - Black, insulated, round cable used to

connect the CD-I Player to the TV.

SCREENS - Word used when discussing yoiu- TV, for

example, "TV screen" refers to the area on the T\^ for rdewing
pictures.Word also used when discussing CD-I Player display
screens, for example, the "CD-I Player Start-Up screen." 'These
screens allow you to select functions you want the Player to

STOP - Ending play of a disc. When in the Play mode, press

the STOP button to end play of a CD-Audio, CD-I or other disc
in your Player.

THUMBPAD - The part of the remote control used to guide

the arrow across the screen. Place the arrow on top of the icon
of a featme you want to perform.

TRACKS - Disc sections varying in length. There can be

many tracks on one disc, with each track a distinct unit.
Tracks are important in using the Scan and Shuffle featmes.

VIDEO OUT - There is one jack on the back of your CD-I

Player that can be used to send pichmes (vddeo) to your T\^.

You could also hook it to a VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) to
record pictures sent out from the Player.

VOLUME - The amoxmt of soimd you hear.

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