Programming (cont.) – Culligan Sulfur-Cleer User Manual
Page 12

• Time of Regeneration - This setting is used to program the
time at which a regeneration is to occur in the delay mode. The
display will first show “tor” for two seconds.
After “tor” is shown the display will then show the default of 2:00
AM (or the current programmed time of regeneration if already
set). The time can be adjusted in 30 minute increments by
pressing the “+” or “-“ keys.
Pressing the “Status” key will save the setting and move to the next
programming step.
• Meter Factor (Use the default of 80 for meter factor.
80 is the proper setting for the standard Culligan 1”
meter.) – This setting is used to determine the number of pulses
that are to be counted to represent a set volume of water (IE:
gallon or liter). This factor will be used for all flow calculations. It
will only appear if a flow meter is connected to the circuit board.
The display will first show “meter” for two seconds and then
display the meter factor default (or the previously programmed
value). Adjust the value with the “+” or “-“ keys.
Pressing the “Status” key will save the setting and move to the next
programming step.
• Regeneration Interval - This setting is used to set the days
between regenerations in time clock mode. It is also active in
meter mode if the time clock backup DIPswitch # 6 is set to “on”.
The display will show “REGEN” icon with “dAYS” and the value
to set. Adjust the value with the “+” or “-“ keys.
Pressing the “Status” key will save the setting and move to the next
programming step.
For single unit time clock mode only ( Meter not connected), the
following optional “day of week” setting will be available to
trigger a regeneration.
The display will show “dAYoWK” for 2 seconds followed by
“NO”. The “+” or “-“ key will toggle “yes” or “no” (default is
NO). A “yes” response will indicate that the control is to perform
a regeneration on specific days of the week.
Pressing “STATUS” will save and advance to the next step. If
“NO” was chosen, then the control will only initiate regenerations
based upon the interval (in number of days) and the display will
show “days 03”, as shown above.
If “YES” was chosen, then the specific days of the week to
regenerate will be selected as follows.
The display will show “dAY” for two seconds followed by “SUN
N”. The “regen” key toggles the days of the week and the “+”
and “-“ keys toggle “Y or N”.
Pressing the “STATUS” key saves and advances to the next step.
Time Flashing