GTCO AccuTab II - Users Guide User Manual
Page 38
AccuTab II 38
Alarm Commands
Enable Alarm
Disable Alarm
Code: AE
Code: AD
These commands enable or disable the audible alarm. When enabled, a short tone will
sound when a transducer switch is pressed. When disabled, the alarm will not sound in
response to transducer switch presses, but it may be sounded by remote commands and
will be active during diagnostics and in the menu modes.
Sound Tone
Tone Pause
Code: T1
Code: T0
The Sound Tone command allows a remote device to sound the AccuTab II’s audible alarm.
Tone Pause provides a pause between tones. Tones and pauses are in 0.25 second
intervals. Tone commands are not affected by the Disable Alarm command.
Turn Status Indicator or Cursor Illumination On
Tone Status Indicator or Cursor Illumination Off
Code: ON
Code: OF
These commands control the state of the yellow status indicator on the 16-button cursor or
the cursor lamps on the illuminated cursor.
Diagnostic Commands
Transmit Version Number
Code: VR
Command causes AccuTab II to determine and transmit the version number of the
firmware currently installed.
Display Tablet Active Area Size
Code: SZ
AccuTab II automatically determines the size of the attached tablet’s active area when it is
turned on or reset. This command can be used to send the information to another device.
The size is encoded as four digits: two digits representing vertical size in inches followed by
two digits representing horizontal size in inches. For example, the 36” x 48” AccuTab II
sends the digits 3648 in response to this command.
Programming Example: To Send Version Command and Display Results
This QBASIC program interacts with AccuTab II in Command Mode. In this example, the
program activates Command Mode, sends the VR command and displays the resulting
firmware version transmitted by the AccuTab II.
1. Configure AccuTab II for 9600, N, 8, 1, GTCO ASCII and Point (AccuSet 03).
2. Enter and run this QBASIC program: