Mount the engine – Great Planes Venus II 60 ARF - GPMA1027 User Manual
Page 19

1. Determine which Engine Mounting Template from the
back of the manual you will use.
Angled templates are
provided for the O.S. 1.20 Surpass and the O.S. .91FX.
Mounting the engine at an angle will locate the exhaust in the
exhaust cut out on the bottom of the fuselage—partially
avoiding the deposit of oily exhaust residue all over the
model. If standard side or inverted mounting is preferred, use
the regular template.
2. Cut out whichever template you have decided to use.
Temporarily attach the template to the firewall with tape or
repositionable spray adhesive so the lines on the template align
with the cross marks on the firewall. Use a large T-pin or a
sharpened piece of wire to transfer the cross marks in the
template to the firewall. Before drilling the holes in Step 3, check
that the engine and muffler you will be using will fit on the plane.
3. Remove the template. Then drill 1/16" [1.6 mm] pilot
holes through the firewall at the marks. Enlarge the holes
with a 13/64" [5.2 mm] or 3/16" [4.8 mm] drill. Put a few dabs
of epoxy on the front of four 8-32 blind nuts where they will
go into the firewall. Use an 8-32 x 1" [25 mm] SHCS with two
or three #8 washers to draw the blind nuts into the back of
the firewall. Wipe away any excess epoxy.
4. Mount the engine mount to the firewall with four
8-32 x 1-1/4" [32 mm] SHCS, four #4 lock washers and four
#4 flat washers, but do not tighten the screws yet.
5. Place your engine on the mount, adjust the mount to
fit your engine, and tighten the screws. Position the engine
on the mount so the back plate of the spinner will be 6-1/4"
[160 mm] from the firewall. Use small C-clamps or just hold
the engine down while marking the engine mounting bolt
holes in the mount—a Great Planes Dead Center
Mount Hole Locator (GPMR8130) works the best.
6. Remove the engine from the mount. If you have access
to a drill press, remove the mount from the firewall and drill
#29 holes at the marks you made. If you don’t have a drill
press, just drill the holes in the mount while it is on the
firewall. Use an 8-32 tap to tap threads in the holes. Mount
the engine to the mount with four 8-32 x 1" [25 mm] SHCS
and #4 lock washers.
Mount the Engine