EVCO EC6295S301 User Manual

Page 3

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Evco S.r

.l. • EC 6-295 P220 S301 • Sheet 2/3



8.1 Alarms


Defrost LED

if it is lighted, the defrost output will be activated

if it flashes:

• a defrost delay will be running (look at the parameters C0, C1, C2, C4,

n1 and n4)

• the dripping will be running (look at the parameter d7)

• the freezing fluid heating will be running (look at the parameter dP)

Evaporator fan LED

if it is lighted, the evaporator fan will be ON

if it flashes, the after dripping evaporator fan delay will be running (look

at the parameter F5)

Cabinet light LED

if it is lighted, the cabinet light will be ON

if it flashes, the multifunction input will be active (look at the parameters

i0, i1 and i7)

Lock input/thermal protection LED

if it is lighted, there will have been a number of lock input/thermal pro-

tection alarms such as to give the lock of the instrument (turn the instru-

ment OFF and turn it ON again, look at the parameters i2, i3, i4 and i5)

if it flashes, the lock input/thermal protection will be active (look at the

parameters i2, i3, i4 and i5)


if it is lighted, the instrument will be in the STAND-BY mode

if it flashes, the instrument will be set as slave but it will not be author-

ized to implement the remote controls coming from the master (look at

the parameter n3)

if it flashes every two seconds, the instrument will be set as slave and

among the remote controls, coming from the master, the slave has to

implement, there will be the turning ON and OFF (look at the param-

eter nA)


the instrument will be set as slave and among the remote controls, com-

ing from the master, the slave has to implement, there will be the com-

pressor status (look at the parameter nA).

If you have to show the cabinet temperature, press






into the


(you can











there is the corruption

of the configuration

data of the memory of

the instrument

the lock input/thermal

protection and the

multifunction input are


the lock input/thermal

protection is active.

If there has been a

number of lock input/

therm. prot. alarms

such as to give the lock

of the instrum.,

for 3 s every 4

(turn the instrum. OFF

and turn it ON again)


switch off the power

supply of the instru-

ment: unless the alarm

disappears, you will

have to change the


• deactivate the inputs

(look at the param-

eters i0, i1, i2, i3, i4

and i5)

• turn the instrument

OFF and turn it ON


• deactivate the input

(look at the param-

eters i2, i3, i4 and i5)

• turn the instrument

OFF and turn it ON



• you can not gain

access the setting


• all outputs will be

forced OFF

• the compressor will

be forced OFF

• the alarm output

will be forced OFF

• if the defrost is run-

ning, it will immedi-

ately end

• the defrost will

never be activated

• you will get the ac-

tion you have cho-

sen with the param-

eter i0

• the compressor will

be forced OFF

• the alarm output

will be forced OFF

• if the defrost is run-

ning, it will immedi-

ately end

• the defrost will

never be activated






time between the master implements a control and the slave implements the same control

(it is important if n0 = 2 and n1 ≠ 0); look at nA as well








remote control the slave has to implement (0 = no controls, 1 and 9 = compressor status,

2 and 10 = defrost activation, 3 and 11 = compressor status and defrost activation,

4 and 12 = turning ON and OFF, 5 and 13 = compressor status and turning ON and OFF,

6 and 14 = defrost activation and turning ON and OFF, 7 and 15 = compressor status,

defrost activation and turning ON and OFF, 8 = reserved)



DEF. ENERGY SAVING (the working setpoint becomes r8)



23.5 h.damin



Energy Saving cycle activation time



23.5 h.damin



Energy Saving cycle length



Hd1 0.0

23.5 h.damin


- - -

first defrost activation time (it is important if dE = 3; - - - = it will never be activated)


Hd2 0.0

23.5 h.damin


- - -

second defrost activation time (it is important if dE = 3; - - - = it will never be activated)


Hd3 0.0

23.5 h.damin


- - -

third defrost activation time (it is important if dE = 3; - - - = it will never be activated)


Hd4 0.0

23.5 h.damin


- - -

fourth defrost activation time (it is important if dE = 3; - - - = it will never be activated)


Hd5 0.0

23.5 h.damin


- - -

fifth defrost activation time (it is important if dE = 3; - - - = it will never be activated)


Hd6 0.0

23.5 h.damin


- - -

sixth defrost activation time (it is important if dE = 3; - - - = it will never be activated)



the unit of measure depends on the parameter /8


damin = 10 minutes


unless the evaporator temperature is below the defrost end temperature you have set with the parameter d2, the defrost will not be activated


if the time the compressor is ON is lower than 30 s, the compressor will never be ON; if the cabinet probe failure takes place during a compressor delay, the compressor will be

forced OFF for 1 min; the parameter C1 sets the minimum delay between the end of the cabinet probe failure and the following activation of the compressor (if the parameter

C1 has value 0, the compressor will be forced off for 2 min)


if at the moment of the defrost activation the cabinet temperature is below the value “working setpoint + r0” , the instrument will not show temperatures above that value; if

at the moment of the defrost activation the cabinet temperature is above the value “working setpoint + r0” , the instrument will not show the increases of the temperature (if

the increase takes place below the value “working setpoint + r0” , look at the previous case); the instrument restores the normal operation once the after dripping evaporator

fan delay ends and the cabinet temperature falls below the freeze temperature

(10) if at the moment of the defrost activation the compressor is ON since a time lower than the one you have set with the parameter, the compressor will be forced ON for a time

such as to finish the time you have set with the parameter

(11) if the lower temperature alarm takes place during the count of the delay, this last will be cleared

(12) if the temperature alarm does not disappear at the end of the times you have set with the parameters A3 and AA, it will further be excluded for the time you have set with the

parameter A6; if the temperature alarm takes place during the defrost and does not disappear at the end of the time you have set with the parameter A7, it will further be

excluded for the time you have set with the parameter A6; if the temperature alarm takes place during the multifunction input activation, it will be excluded for the time

"A5 + A6" since the input activation or for the time you have set with the parameter A6 since the input deactivation

(13) the evaporator fan stop temperature is “cabinet temperature - F1” ; you always have to consider the parameter F1 with positive sign

(14) the instrument will automatically verify the maximum value of the parameter; it always has to be lower than the value you have set with the parameter i4

every 2 s

the instrument will be set as slave, among the remote controls, coming

from the master, the slave has to implement, there will be the compres-

sor status but there will not be the turning ON and OFF, both the master

and the slave will be in the STAND-BY mode (look at the parameter nA).

If the master is in the STAND-BY mode and the slave is ON, the indica-

tion will be showed alternated with the cabinet temperature