EVCO EC3182 User Manual

Ec 3-182, General informations, Getting started

background image

EC 3-182

ON-OFF digital thermostat for compressor,

evaporator fans and defrost (for temperature-

time) management

Operating instructions
Release 1/98 of September the twenty-third 1998
Code EC 3-182 DOC E000
File 3182e.p65
The use of this new instrument is easy; but for safety reasons, it is

important read these instructions carefully before the installation or

before the use and follow all additional informations.
It is very important keep these instructions with the instrument for future




EC 3-182 is an ON-OFF digital thermostat studied for refrigerating systems management through

the compressor, evaporator fans and defrost (for temperature-time) management.
In factory the instrument gets preset to accept at the measure inputs PTC/NTC probes used in

refrigeration field at the moment.
Some parameters permit to set the thermostat to protect the compressor against overloads

due to several starts repeated in a short time, to manage the defrost according with one’s

requirements, to establish the evaporator fans output functioning, to signal working condi-

tions outside the safety limits.
EC 3-182 is available in the 74 x 32 mm (2.91 x 1.25 in.) case and it is studied for panel

mounting with the equipped screw or spring brackets.


EC 3-182 was studied for panel mounting, panel cutout 71 x 29 mm (2.79 x 1.14 in.), with the

equipped screw or spring brackets (the overall dimensions and the panel cutout are related in

Fig. 3, the fixing systems suggested by the builder are related respectively in Fig. 4 and in

Fig. 5).

the panel thickness must be included from 1 to 5 mm (0.04 to 0.19 in.)


verify if the using conditions (ambient temperature, humidity, etc.) are within the

limits indicated by the builder (see the chapter TECHNICAL DATA)


install the instrument in a location with a suitable ventilation, to avoid the inter-

nal overheating of the instrument


do not install the instrument near surfaces that can to obstruct the air-grating

(carpets, covers, etc.), heating sources (radiators, hot air ducts, etc.), locations

subject to direct sunlight, rain, humidity, excessive dust, mechanical vibrations

or bumps, devices with strong magnetos (microwave ovens, big speakers, etc.)


according with the safety norms, the protection against possible contacts with

electrical parts and parts protected with functional insulation only must be ensured

through a correct installation procedure of the instrument; all parts that ensure

the protection must be fixed so that they can not be removed if not with a tool


if not differently specified at the time of order, the instrument will be equipped

with screw brackets.

EC 3-182 is provided with two screw terminal blocks for cables up to 2.5 mm² (0.38 in.², for the

connection to the power supply, inputs and outputs) and it is provided with one five poles

single line male connector (for the connection to the CLONE configurer/cloner and RICS super-

vision systems), located on the instrument back panel (the connections to derive are related in

Fig. 6 and they are checkable on the polyester label stuck on the instrument case).

if the instrument is brought from a cold to a warm location, the humidity may

condense inside the instrument; wait about an hour before supply the instrument


verify if the operating power supply voltage, electrical frequency and power of

the instrument correspond to the local power supply (see the chapter TECHNICAL



do not supply more instruments with the same transformer


if the instrument is installed on a vehicle, its power supply must be derived di-

rectly from the battery of the vehicle


give the instrument a protection able to limit the current absorbed in case of



the instrument remains connected to the local power supply as long as the termi-

nals 7 and 8 are derived to the local power supply, even if the instrument is appar-

ently turned off


give the probes a protection able to insulate them against possible contacts with

metal parts or use insulated probes

Fig. 1



give the outputs a protection able to protect them against short circuit and over-



do not try to repair the instrument; for the repairs apply to highly qualified staff


if you have any questions or problems concerning the instrument please consult

Every Control (see the chapter BUILDER DATA).


After derived the connections related in Fig. 6, during the normal functioning the instrument

displays the temperature read by the cabinet probe.

Fig. 2


If an alarm should be active the instrument displays the alarm code flashing and the buzzer

utters an intermittent beep as long as the cause that has given it does not disappear (see the

chapter SIGNALS AND ALARMS); pressure on the key T1 during an alarm permits to silence

the buzzer.
EC 3-182 is provided with one working setpoint and with some configuration parameters that

get stored in a non volatile memory and that permit to set the instrument according with one’s

requirements (see the chapter CONFIGURABILITY).
The output K 1 is associated to the compressor and to the working setpoint, it remains acti-

vated continuously as long as the temperature read by the cabinet probe reaches the working

setpoint and when it rises above the working setpoint of the hysteresis value (differential) the

output gets reactivated, except during a defrost and a dripping.
The output K 2 is associated to the evaporator fans and it is forced to the status ON, except

during a dripping and except what established with the parameters of the family F.
Passed the defrost interval from the moment of the instrument start or from the moment in

which the instrument presents a request of a defrost cycle, if the conditions permit it (the

temperature read by the evaporator probe must be below the defrost stopping setpoint) the

instrument automatically presents the following request of a defrost cycle.
A defrost cycle provides three phases (defrost, dripping and evaporator fans stoppage) con-

nected in cascade since the end of one automatically determines the passage to the following

The output K 3 is associated to the defrost and it remains continuously activated during the

defrost as long as the temperature read by the evaporator probe reaches the defrost stopping

setpoint when the defrost ends and the instrument automatically moves to the dripping; if the

instrument was set to manage defrost to resistances (electrical) during a defrost the output K 1

gets forced to the status OFF, if the instrument was set to manage hot gas defrost (reversal of

cycle) during a defrost the output K 1 remains continuously activated.
Passed the dripping length from the moment of the defrost end the instrument automatically

moves to the evaporator fans stoppage; during a dripping the outputs K 1 and K 2 get forced to

the status OFF.
Passed the evaporator fans stoppage length from the moment of the dripping end the defrost

cycle ends; during an evaporator fans stoppage the output K 2 activation gets disabled.
If the conditions permit it (the temperature read by the evaporator probe must be below the

defrost stopping setpoint) keeping pushed the key T2 for four seconds at least or activating the

remote defrost digital input the instrument presents a request of a defrost cycle.

To modify the working setpoint value keep pushed the key T3 (the instrument displays the

actual value) and at the same time push and release over and over the key T1 or T2 as long as

the instrument displays the desired value (keeping pushed the key T1 or T2 the value gets

decreased or increased more quickly): after the modification release the key T3 last; during the

pressure of the key T3 the LED L1 flashes quickly to indicate that a working setpoint setting


The dimensions are expressed in millimetres and inches (third-scale drawing).

Fig. 3



Panel mounting, with the equipped screw (Fig. 4) or spring brackets (Fig. 5) (third-scale drawing).

Fig. 4


Fig. 5



Instance of typical application.


Via Mezzaterra 6, 32036 Sedico Belluno ITALY
Phone 0039/0437852468 (a.r.) Fax 0039/043783648
Internet addresses
e-mail: [email protected]

This publication exclusively belongs to EVERY CONTROL and shall not be reproduced and distributed if not expressly authorized by the same EVERY CONTROL.
EVERY CONTROL does not assume any responsibility in order to the characteristics, to the technical data and to the possible mistakes related herein or deriving from the use of the same.
EVERY CONTROL can not be considered responsible for damages caused from the inobservance of the additional informations.
EVERY CONTROL reserves the right to make any modification without prior notice and at any time without prejudice the basic functioning and safety characteristics.

Fig. 6
