EVCO EVF205N9 User Manual

Page 8

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Evco S.p.A. • Code 104F205E00 • page 8/8




Preliminary considerations

With reference to the wiring diagram:
• the utility managed by the fourth output will depend on parameter u1
• the utility managed by the fifth output will depend on parameter u11
• the serial is the port for communication with the Parameters Manager set-up software system or to the monitoring and supervision system of RICS plants (through a serial interface, via TTL, with MODBUS communication

protocol) or with the EVKEY programming key. The port must not be used simultaneously for three purposes.


Electric connection


Recommendations for the electric connection

• do not operate on the terminal boards using electric or pneumatic screwdrivers
• if the instrument has been taken from a old place to a hot one, the humidity could condense inside. Wait about one hour before applying power
• make sure that the power supply voltage, frequency and operational electric power correspond to those of the local power supply
• disconnect the power supply before performing any type of maintenance
• do not use the instrument as a safety device
• for repairs and information regarding the instrument, contact the Evco sales network.