Dynaflite DYFA3040 User Manual

Page 26

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plan as a guide to cut the sheeting to the proper
size. Glue this piece to the tops of the ribs.

1-1 Q 22. GlueW2A into position. Sand theTE of

the sheeting on the bottom to match the
contour of W1,W2 andW2A.

a Q 23. Cut the 5/8" x 2" x 8-1/2" balsa filler
block to fit between W1 and W2. Glue it into
position. Sand the block to match the contour of

the bottoms ofW1 and W2. (W2A is not shown

in the photo.)

Ui Q 24. Cut anotherTE sheet to shape and glue

it to W1, W2, W2A and the block.

Q25. Return to step 15 for the other wing panel.

Q 26. Rough sand the entire wing.

Q Q 3. Cut the LE from 1/4" x 3/4" x 24" balsa.
Sand the bottom of the LE to match the angle of

the aileron ribs at their LE. Glue and pin it to the

3/32" x 1/2" LE sheet.

I-] l-l 4. Glue ribs A7 -A12 into place.

Q Q 5. From a 1/4" x 1/2" x 36" balsa stick, cut
and glue two horn reinforcement blocks where

the aileron horn will mount.

Q Q 6. Cut and glue hinge blocks into position

from the 1/4" x 1/2" balsa.

Q Q 7. Remove the aileron from the plan. Carve
and sand the top of the LE to match the contour
of the ribs. Taper theTE as well. Be careful as it
is easy to sand into the ribs.

Ul t-1 1. Cover the right wing panel with Plan

Protector. Cut the bottom LE sheet from 3/32" x
1/2" x 24" balsa and pin it to the plan.

Q Q 2. Cut the bottomTE sheet from 3/32" x 3/4"

x 24" balsa and pin it to the plan.

Q Q 8. Glue the top 3/32" x 1/2" LE sheet into


Q Q 9. Glue the top 3/32" x 3/4" TE sheet into

position. Cut, fit and glue cap strips to the top
and bottom of the aileron ribs using 3/32" x 1/4"

x 30" balsa.

Q Q 10. Fit the die-cut 1/8" ply horn base where
shown on the plan and glue it in place.

i-l Q 11. Sand the Aileron to fit the wing. Mark
the centerline of the aileron leading edge along

its entire length. Using the cross-section on the
plan as a reference, sand the leading edge to

the "V" shape shown. Make sure the "V" is

large enough to allow for the full up and down
movement of the aileron.