Edit the /comtrol/rckt/baud.cfg file to list th, Reboot the system, or execute /comtrol/rckt/bau, Use the normal tty administrative procedure to – Comtrol SCO OpenServer User Manual

Page 19: Connect a null modem cable from rocketport boar, Set the terminal modem port baud rate to 38400, Edit the following line in the /etc/inittab fil, Baud.init, Terminal sessions in sco openserver, Enabling login services

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Terminal Sessions in SCO OpenServer


SCO OpenServer


Follow these steps to permanently remap baud rates:


Edit the /comtrol/rckt/baud.cfg file to list the ports for which you are
remapping baud rates. To use the remapped rates listed in the
setbaud table, simply list the devices names. For example:





To create a custom mapping scheme, enter the device name, the old
rate, and the new rate the old rate is mapped to. For example:

/dev/ttyr0a 9600 230400

/dev/ttyr0A 9600 230400

/dev/ttyr0b 9600 230400

/dev/ttyr0B 9600 230400


Reboot the system, or execute /comtrol/rckt/baud.init for immediate
change. The rates will be remapped according to the contents of
the /comtrol/rckt/baud.cfg file each time the system is rebooted.


Use the normal tty administrative procedure to set the port to the
system rate. The remapped rate is used instead.

Terminal Sessions in SCO OpenServer

The following discussions provide step-by-step examples of how to
enable login services, log in, and test direct connections under SCO
OpenServer. Copy and adapt these procedures as needed.

Enabling Login Services

This example enables Port ttyr0a for direct connection at 38,400 baud.


Connect a null modem cable from RocketPort Board 1, Port 0, to the
modem port of a dumb terminal.


Set the terminal modem port baud rate to 38400. If needed,
reinitialize the terminal so that it is using the new settings.


Edit the following line in the /etc/inittab file:

r0a:2:off:/etc/getty ttyr0a o

Note: The o matches the o entry in the /etc/gettydefs file for

38,400 baud. For more information see the gettydefs and
inittab online manual pages.