Table 3. device names – Comtrol SCO OpenServer User Manual

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Configuring Ports

SCO OpenServer

Note: With ISA-bus RocketPort boards, the board numbering sequence

is determined by board I/O addresses. With PCI-bus RocketPort
boards, the numbering sequence is determined by the PCI slot
number. When mixing ISA- and PCI-bus RocketPorts, the ISA
boards always come before the PCI boards. For example, if you
have one ISA and one PCI RocketPort, the ISA board will
always be Board 1 and the PCI board will always be Board 2.

For more information on ISA board I/O addressing, see your
Hardware Reference Card.

Note: While the driver supports these device types, your hardware may

not. For example, the RocketModem does not support
Transparent Print.

Table 3. Device Names








Board 1

0 - 7

ttyr0a - ttyr0h

ttyr0A - ttyr0H

tpr0a - tpr0h

8 - 15

ttyr1a - ttyr1h

ttyr1A - ttyr1H

tpr1a - tpr1h

16 - 23

ttyr2a - ttyr2h

ttyr2A - ttyr2H

tpr2a - tpr2h

24 - 31

ttyr3a - ttyr3h

ttyr3A - ttyr3H

tpr3a - tpr3h

Board 2

32 - 39

ttyr4a - ttyr4h

ttyr4A - ttyr4H

tpr4a - tpr4h

40 - 47

ttyr5a - ttyr5h

ttyr5A - ttyr5H

tpr5a - tpr5h

48 - 55

ttyr6a - ttyr6h

ttyr6A - ttyr6H

tpr6a - tpr6h

56 - 63

ttyr7a - ttyr7h

ttyr7A - ttyr7H

tpr7a - tpr7h

Board 3

64 - 71

ttyr8a - ttyr8h

ttyr8A - ttyr8H

tpr8a - tpr8h

72 - 79

ttyr9a - ttyr9h

ttyr9A - ttyr9H

tpr9a - tpr9h

80 - 87

ttyraa - ttyrah

ttyraA - ttyraH

tpraa - tprah

88 - 95

ttyrba - ttyrbh

ttyrbA - ttyrbH

tprba - tprbh

Board 4

96 - 103

ttyrca - ttyrch

ttyrcA - ttyrcH

tprca - tprch

104 - 111 ttyrda - ttyrdh

ttyrdA - ttyrdH

tprda - tprdh

112 - 119 ttyrea - ttyreh

ttyreA - ttyreH

tprea - tpreh

120 - 127

ttyrfa - ttyrfh

ttyrfA - ttyrfH

tprfa - tprfh