Comtrol PROFINET IO User Manual
Page 3

DeviceMaster UP PROFINET IO Installation Quick Start
2000484 Rev. E 3
Configuring ReadOnly Serial Devices
4. Set up the serial port configuration. (Mode, Baud rate, etc.)
Note: Refer to your serial device's User Manual for these settings.
5. If desired, uncheck Discard Rx Packets with Errors.
6. Set up the Serial Packet
a. Set STX (Start of
transmission) Rx Detect
decimal format.
b. Set ETX (End of
transmission) Rx Detect
decimal format.
c. Set the PLC
specific Strip
Rx STX/ETX Chars
setting if you do not wish to
receive the STX/ETX bytes
in the received data packet.
Note: Please refer to your
device's User Manual for the Start and End of Transmission byte(s) settings. You may also be able to use the
Serial Interface Logs page to determine these settings.
7. Set the Filtering/Data Extraction Configuration:
If no filtering/data extraction is required, leave all filtering/data extraction settings to defaults.
If filtering/data extraction is required, go to
Filtering/Data Extraction Configuration (Patent Pending)
8. Set the Application TCP Connection Configuration.
If no application socket interface is required, leave all application socket interface settings at defaults and the
Application Enable
option unselected.
If an application socket interface is required, go to
Application Socket Configuration (Patent Pending)
9. Verify Reset Port and Save in Flash are selected and click on Submit.
If all is set up correctly, the DeviceMaster UP will place the data packets into the location specified in Step7. See the
example program in section
on Page 8 or Siemens Step7 documentation for more information on how
this is done. The first WORD is an integer received representing the sequence number. This is incremented with each
new data packet. The next WORD indicate the length, which is the number of bytes of data received. The rest is data. For
example, the first “packet” received from the DeviceMaster UP might have a sequence number of 1 (0x0001), a length of
7 bytes (0x0007) and seven data bytes (for instance ABCDEFG, or {0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47} in ASCII
Note: If the buffer is not large enough to hold the entire packet the data will be truncated (i.e. only the
beginning part of the packet will be written to the controller). For example, if we were using a 4 BYTE
output buffer only ABCD or {0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44} would appear in the buffer. The other BYTEs
would be ignored.