Using the playback features, Time counter, Index search – RCA VG4038/ VG4039 User Manual

Page 18: Plni/iiig a tape

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Plni/iiig a Tape

Using the Playback Features

Time Counter

The time counter shows the actual time it takes to record a program or play
back a segment of a prerecorded tape. It helps locate the beginning or end of
programs you taped. The time counter resets to 0:00:00 whenever the tape is
ejected from the VCR.
For example, if a 30-minute program was recorded at the beginning of the tape,
you would:

1. Insert the prerecorded tape.

2. Press DISPLAY twice to display only the time counter on the TV


3. Press F.FWD on the VCR or FF on the remote to fast forward the

tape until the time counter reads 0:30:00.

4. Press STOP.

This is the approximate end of the program and you can begin
recording at this spot.

5. Press CLEAR to reset the time counter to 0:00:00.

6. Press DISPLAY two times to remove the time counter from the

screen and return to the normal display mode.


Index Search

The VCR has a " VHS Index Search System" that automatically records an index
mark on the tape every time you stop and start recording. During playback
you can locate the program you want to play by the number of index marks.
The VCR will automatically locate the index number you select. The VCR will
search forward or reverse from the location you are on the tape.

1. Insert the prerecorded tape and press STOP.




Press FWD or REU

Press SEARCH to exit

2. Press SEARCH on the remote to display the INDEX SEARCH menu

on the TV screen.

3. Press two number buttons to enter the number of index marks you

want the VCR to search.

Press CLEAR on the remote to correct an entry.

4. Press F.FWD to search forward or REW to search in reverse.

5. Press STOP to stop index searching.

Some index marks may be missed by the VCR.

• A mark too close to your location on the tape.

• The mark at the beginning of a recorded segment of five

minutes or less.

• The first index mark on the tape when you start at the

beginning of the tape.