Carrier EVERGREEN 19XR User Manual

Page 4

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Step 5 — Connect Cable Between Display and
ICVC (International Chiller Visual Control)

1. Remove the knockout from the control panel box.
2. Pass the 25-ft coiled RS-485 cable, through the knock-

out. Approximately 16 to 20 in. of cable should be insert-

ed into the control box.

3. Connect one end of the RS-485 cable to the J8/SERVICE

port of the ICVC.

4. Connect the other end of the cable to the RJ14 connector

in the B&B Electronics converter provided with the dis-

play. The converter should then be attached to the 9-pin

serial port on the display. If chiller is connected to a CCN

network, see note below.

5. The ComfortVIEW™ software key is already installed in

the back side of the display. The software key will allow

preloaded software to run automatically when the display

screen is booted up.

6. After connecting both cable ends, connect the power cord

to the power brick and connect to the EverVu™ panel.

Pull the cord through the side of the back cover and attach

to the display.

7. If touch screen power cord was connected directly to the

chiller power panel rather than an AC outlet, remove


8. Turn on power to the display screen (lower right side) and

to the ICVC.

Before going to the job site to perform the installation, you

will need to know the chiller ICVC version. Some older ver-

sions need to be updated to work with the touch panel. Contact

a Carrier Service office for assistance in downloading a new

version, if required.
NOTE: Besides being connected to the display, the chiller

may be on a CCN network in the building. If this is the case,

make sure the correct wiring is utilized and coordinate with

the Carrier controls technician on the site. The refresh rate

of the touch screen display may need to be extended,

depending on the other devices on the network.

The communication bus wiring is field-supplied and field-

installed. Bus wiring consists of shielded three-conductor cable

with drain (ground) wire. The cable selected must be identical

to the communication bus wire used for the entire network. See

Table 2 for recommended cable.

Table 2 — Recommended Cables

NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be at least 20 AWG (Ameri-
can Wire Gage), stranded, and tinned copper. Individual conductors
must be insulated with PVC, PVC/nylon, vinyl, Teflon*, or polyethyl-
ene. An aluminum/polyester 100% foil shield and an outer jacket of
PVC, PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl or Teflon with aluminum operating
temperature range of –20 C to 60 C is required.


Start Touch Screen System —

Once the ICVC and

display screen are powered up, the Touch Screen display will

boot up to a default graphical chiller for a Version 04XRV. The

CCN database for this display is defaulted to database only, so

there will be no communications.

An expandable keyboard (Fig. 7) is viewable after boot up.

The keyboard is used for inputting data into any menu screen

or prompt that is the active.

The keyboard can be minimized to an icon again by press-

ing the large rectangular icon on the left side of the expandable


The keyboard can be viewed at any time by pressing the

keyboard icon at the top right side of any active screen or


The expandable keyboard can be moved to different posi-

tions on the screen be touching any of the blue areas between

the keys and moving it to desired position on screen.




2413 or 5463







Fig. 7 — Expandable Keyboard


*Registered trademark of DuPont.