Carrier AQUAZONE 50VS User Manual

Page 11

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6. When all units on a riser are anchored into place, com-

plete riser joints as follows:

a. Verify that all riser joints are vertically aligned and

that risers penetrate at least 1 in. into the swaged

joint of the riser below. DO NOT let riser joint bot-

tom out.

b. Braze riser joints with a high-temperature alloy

using proper Phos-copper of Silfos. Soft solder 50-

50, 60-40, 85-15, or 95-5 or low temperature alloys

are not suitable riser weld materials.

c. Anchor built-in risers to the building structure with

at least one contact point. To accommodate vertical

expansion and contraction DO NOT fasten risers

rigidly within the unit.

d. Verify that unit shut-off valves are closed. DO

NOT OPEN VALVES until the system has been

cleaned and flushed.

e. Flush system; refer to System Cleaning and Flush-

ing section for more information.

f. Install vents in piping loop as required to bleed the

system of air accumulated during installation.

7. Install supply duct extension(s) provided with the cabinet

by folding the tabs down to secure extension(s) to



mercial systems typically include a number of units connected

to a common piping system. Any unit plumbing maintenance

work can introduce air into the piping system; therefore, air

elimination equipment is a major portion of the mechanical

room plumbing. In piping systems expected to utilize water

temperatures below 50 F,




in. closed-cell insulation is re-

quired on all piping surfaces to eliminate condensation. Metal

to plastic threaded joints should never be used due to their ten-

dency to leak over time.

Teflon tape thread sealant is recommended for use in system

piping to minimize internal fouling of the heat exchanger. Do

not over tighten connections and route piping so as not to inter-

fere with service or maintenance access. Hose kits include shut

off valves, pressure/temperature (P/T) plugs for performance

measurement, high pressure stainless steel braided hose, and

hose adaptors.

Balancing valves and variable speed pumping systems my

also be used.

The piping system should be flushed to remove dirt, pipe

shavings, chips, and other foreign material prior to operation.

See System Cleaning and Flushing section. The flow rate is

usually set between 2.25 and 3.5 gpm per ton for most

applications of water loop heat pumps. To ensure proper main-

tenance and servicing, P/T ports are imperative for temperature

and flow verification, as well as performance checks.

Water loop heat pump (cooling tower/boiler) systems typi-

cally utilize a common loop, maintained between 60 to 90 F.

The use of a closed circuit evaporate cooling tower with a sec-

ondary heat exchanger between the tower and the water loop is

recommended. If an open type cooling tower is used continu-

ously, chemical treatment and filtering will be necessary.
NOTE: In most commercial building applications using a

frame style or plate style heat-exchanger should be used to iso-

late the water source heat pump units from the ground water

loop increasing system performance, equipment longevity.
Pre-Installation — Prior to installation, locate and mark all ex-

isting underground utilities, piping, etc. Install loops for new

construction before sidewalks, patios, driveways, and other

construction has begun. During construction, accurately mark

all ground loop piping on the plot plan as an aid in avoiding po-

tential future damage to the installation.

Piping Installation — All earth loop piping materials should

be limited to polyethylene fusion only for in ground sections of

the loop. Galvanized or steel fittings should not be used at any

time due to their tendency to corrode. All plastic to metal

threaded fittings should be avoided due to their potential to leak

in earth coupled applications. A flanged fitting should be sub-

stituted. P/T plugs should be used so that flow can be measured

using the pressure drop of the unit heat exchanger.

Earth loop temperatures can range between 25 and 110 F.

Flow rates between 2.25 and 3.0 gpm per ton of cooling capac-

ity is recommended in these applications.

Test individual horizontal loop circuits before backfilling.

Test vertical U-bends and pond loop assemblies prior to


Pressures of at least 100 psi should be used when testing.

Do not exceed the pipe pressure rating. Test entire system

when all loops are assembled.
Flushing the Earth Loop — Upon completion of system in-

stallation and testing, flush the system to remove all foreign ob-

jects and purge to remove all air.
Antifreeze — In areas when minimum entering loop tempera-

tures drop below 40 F or where piping will be routed through

areas subject to freezing, antifreeze is required. Alcohols and

glycols are commonly used as antifreeze; however your local

Carrier distributor should be consulted for the antifreeze best

suited to your area. Freeze protection should be maintained to

15 F below the lowest expected entering loop temperature. For

example, if 30 F is the minimum expected entering loop tem-

perature, the leaving loop temperature would be 25 to 22 F and

freeze protection should be at 15 F. Calculation as follows:

30 F 15 F = 15 F.
All alcohols should be premixed and pumped from a reser-

voir outside of the building when possible or introduced under

the water level to prevent fumes. Calculate the total volume of

fluid in the piping system. Then use the percentage by volume

shown in Table 2 for the amount of antifreeze needed. Anti-

freeze concentration should be checked from a well mixed

sample using a hydrometer to measure specific gravity.

Table 2 — Antifreeze Percentages by Volume

*Must not be denatured with any petroleum based product.


valves should be included for ease of servicing. Boiler drains or

other valves should be “tee’d” into the lines to allow acid flush-

ing of the heat exchanger. P/T plugs should be used so that

pressure drop and temperature can be measured. Piping materi-

als should be limited to copper or PVC SCH80.
NOTE: Due to the pressure and temperature extremes, PVC

SCH40 is not recommended.

Water quantity should be plentiful and of good quality. Con-

sult Table 3 for water quality guidelines and recommendations.

Copper is recommended for closed loop systems and open loop

ground water systems that are not high in mineral content or

corrosiveness. In ground water situations where scaling could

be heavy or where biological growth such as iron bacteria will

be present, an open loop system is not recommended. Heat ex-

changer coils may over time lose heat exchange capabilities

due to build up of mineral deposits. Heat exchangers must only

be serviced by a qualified technician, as acid cleaning agents

and special pumping equipment are required.




10 F

15 F

20 F

25 F






100% USP Food Grade

Propylene Glycol








