AltiGen MAXCS 7.0 Update 1 CDR User Manual
Page 10

Real-Time Monitoring and the CDR Client
6 CDR Manual
You can set up call reporting if MAXCS and MaxAdmin are installed on
the same server.
In MAXCS, call reporting distinguishes between call detail data, which
records every call made to, out of, and within the MAXCS system, and
RTM data, which is workgroup-related statistical data captured from the
real-time monitoring function used in the MaxSupervisor client
application. Both types of data can be set up for call reporting, or logging,
although their storage systems are different.
• Call detail data can be logged to your local drive, to a remote server,
and/or exported via a COMM port.
• RTM data is always logged to your local drive.
Data logged to your local drive is stored in a directory called AltiDB, which
is located by default on the root of the drive where MAXCS is installed.
Files are stored in .mdb format.
Backups, if you choose to make them, are created in a subdirectory called
DBBackup, which in turn contains three subdirectories: MCDR for
Advanced Call Data, RTMCALL for Call Data, and RTMDATA for
RTM data. These three types of data have separate report screens in the
CDR Search client, and are described in the CDR documentation.