6 mode of operation and field control wiring, Installation – AERCO BMK 2.0 LN Nat. Gas User Manual
Page 15

Each of the above power configurations contain
a Power Box with a terminal block which
matches the configuration ordered. The three
different terminal block configurations are shown
in Figure 2.7. A wiring diagram showing the
required AC power connections is provided on
the front panel of each Power Box.
Each Benchmark Boiler must be connected to a
dedicated electrical circuit. No other devices
should be on the same electrical circuit as the
Benchmark Boiler. A means for disconnecting
AC power from the unit (such as a service
switch) must be installed near the unit for normal
operation and maintenance. All electrical
connections should be made in accordance with
the National Electrical Code and/or with any
applicable local codes.
For electrical power wiring diagrams, see the
Benchmark Electrical, Power Wiring Guide, GF-
Figure 2.7
AC Terminal Block Configurations
The Benchmark Boiler is available in several
different modes of operation. While each unit is
factory configured and wired for a particular
mode, some field wiring may be required to
complete the installation. This wiring is typically
run to the Input/Output (I/O) Box located on the
front of the unit behind the removable front door
(see Fig. 2.8). A brief description of each mode
of operation, and their requirements, is de-
scribed in the following paragraphs. Additional
information concerning field wiring is provided in
paragraphs 2.7.1 through 2.7.9. For additional
information on modes of operation, refer to
Chapter 5.
Figure 2.8
I/O Box Terminal Location
The Constant Setpoint Mode is used when it is
desired to have a fixed setpoint that does not
deviate. No wiring connections other than
electrical supply connections are required for
this mode. However, if desired, fault monitoring
or enable/disable interlock wiring can be utilized
(see paragraphs and 2.7.10).