Doepfer, System a-100, Usb/midi-to-cv/gate a-190-4 – Doepfer A-190-4 MIDI/USB-CV/Gate/Sync Interface User Manual

Page 17

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System A-100

USB/Midi-to-CV/Gate A-190-4


4.4 Using MIDI Controllers

You already learned how to assign Velocity, Pitchbend or
Monophonic Aftertouch to CV2. Next to this, the A-190-4
processes some more MIDI controller inorder to ”remote
control” the corresponding functions this way. The
following MIDI controllers are processed by the A-190-4:

CONTROLLER #01 (Modulation)

This controller affects LFO amplitude (please refer to
Note menue / LFO functions). When using this controller,
parameter changes are only temporary. If you want to
save the new setting permanently, please use the Store
function (see page 15).

Value range: 0 to 127

LFO amplitude

CONTROLLER #05 (Portamento Time)

This controller affects portamento time (please refer to
Note menue / Portamento function). When using this
controller, parameter changes are only temporary. If you
want to save the new setting permanently, please use the
Store function (see page 15).

Value range: 0 to 127

Portamento time

CONTROLLER #64 (Sustain)

This controller switches sustain on and off.

Value range : 0 to 63

Sustain Off

64 to 127

Sustain On

CONTROLLER #65 (Portamento On/Off)

This controller switches portamento on and off.

Value range: 0 to 63

Portamento Off

64 to 127

Portamento On

CONTROLLER #68 (Legato)

The retrigger function (please refer to Trigger menue /
Retrigger function) can be enabled / disabled by this
controller. When using this controller, parameter changes
are only temporary. If you want to save the new setting
permanently, please use the Store function (see

page 15).

Value range: 0 to 63

Retrigger Off

64 to 127

Retrigger On