Doepfer, System a-100, Usb/midi-to-cv/gate a-190-4 – Doepfer A-190-4 MIDI/USB-CV/Gate/Sync Interface User Manual

Page 5: Setting up the a-190-4

Doepfer, System a-100, Usb/midi-to-cv/gate a-190-4 | Setting up the a-190-4 | Doepfer A-190-4 MIDI/USB-CV/Gate/Sync Interface User Manual | Page 5 / 22 Doepfer, System a-100, Usb/midi-to-cv/gate a-190-4 | Setting up the a-190-4 | Doepfer A-190-4 MIDI/USB-CV/Gate/Sync Interface User Manual | Page 5 / 22