Checkline MESURgauge User Manual
Page 14

MESURgauge Software
4.3 Table
Contains the reading number, load reading from the gauge, and
relative time stamp (or travel datum) for each data point.
Scroll to, or manually enter, the desired reading in the Reading box
to display corresponding load and time (or travel) data in the indica-
tors to the right.
4.4 SAVE
Click this button to open a file dialog box in which to save the data
from the table to a tab-delimited text file. Enter a file name and op-
tionally browse to any desired folder location. The default file folder
location for the test data files is set in the Test Data Folder box in
the Test Setup tab. After saving, the file can then be opened by
common Windows programs such as Notepad and Excel. Note:
Saving cannot be performed until the test has been completed.
4.5 Last Reading
The most recent reading received from the gauge.
4.6 Total Readings
The total number of readings taken during the test.
4.7 Units
The unit of measurement received with the data (the gauge[s] must
be configured to send units information).
4.8 Graph
The graph plots load versus time or load versus travel (time is de-
fault). Scale minimum and maximum values can be set by double-
clicking on the numerals long the X and Y axes. Change the num-
bers to the desired values and press ENTER or click away from the
Several options are available by right-clicking anywhere within the
graph. A pop-up menu appears as follows: