Quadrature devices – Checkline EMS4 User Manual

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Regardless of the type of connected device (Quadrature or Digimatic) there are several settings that are

always available. These settings are summarized in the following list:



Channel Enabled

Enables/Disables channel. Disabling a channel will hide it from the main display.

Gage Type

Selects the channel function between Quadrature and Digimatic modes.

Unit Type

Selects measurement unit between Inch, Millimeter, and Hidden


Selects indication mode between Incremental (default), Absolute, and Total
Indicated Runout (TIR). TIR is only available for Quadrature Devices

Absolute Offset

Entry of absolute offset (ABS mode only)

Travel Direction

Selects between forward and reverse travel direction.


Enables/Disables tolerance mode. If this mode is enabled, the analog indication
for this channel will turn red when the measurement falls outside of the
specified bounds.

High Tolerance

Sets the maximum allowable tolerance value for this channel.

Low Tolerance

Sets the maximum allowable tolerance value for this channel.

Ratio Mode

E a li g Ratio ode ill s ale the u e t alue the alue of the Ratio

Value setti g.

Ratio Value

Scale multiplier for current gage measurement.

Automatic Log

Enables automatic data logging on an interval

Log Interval (s)

Sets the logging interval if Automatic Log is enabled

Show Analog Scale

Enables display of the analog scale in addition to the readout value

Analog Scale

Selects the maximum value to display on the analog scale readout.

Show Leading Zero

Enables/Disables leading zeros on current measurement.

Quadrature Devices
By default, channels are set up in quadrature mode, which provides a real-time display of the current
i di ato ’s easu e e t. The following settings are only available for quadrature channels:




Turns on/off hold mode for this chancel. This setting can be accessed by
p essi g the Hold button for the current channel on the main screen.

Hold Mode

If Hold is enabled, this setting selects between the available hold modes: Min,
Max, and Freeze


Set the Encoder Resolution of the device

fo e a ple .

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Encoder Unit Type Selects the unit type of the encoder glass scale (Metric or Imperial)

Sets the display resolution of the remote display

Show Min/Max

Enables display of min and max readings in addition to the readout value