2. menu 2: set sampling time, 3. menu 3: select oil table – Cannon Instrument D155 Density Meter User Manual

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4-2. Menu 2: Set Sampling Time

Select sampling time adequate for the sample to be injected. The default is ‘10’ (seconds).

1) Press [MENU] then press [] or [] to select Menu 2 as shown below

2) Press [ENTER]

3) Press [] or [] key to select the digit to change
4) Press [] or [] to increase or decrease the number. The D155 allows any value from 00 (pump

off or disabled) to 99 seconds. The default setting for instruments with the pump installed is 10.

5) Press [ENTER] to accept the value entered

4-3. Menu 3: Select Oil Table

The API temperature compensation table for oil can be selected as follows. It depends on the samples
you wish to measure.

1) Press [MENU] then press [] or [] to select Menu 3 as shown below

2) Press [ENTER]

3) Press [] or [] to select the appropriate API temperature compensation table. The available

tables are:


Crude Oils 60/60°F


Refined Products 60/60°F

23D Lube Oils 60/60°F

Crude Oils 15°C


Refined Products 15°C

M e n u : 2

S e t S a m p l i n g T i m e

P r e s s E N T E R o r U p / D n

M e n u : 2

S a m p l i n g T i m e : 1 0 s

A r r o w K e y s t o C h a n g e

E N T E R t o A c c e p t

M e n u : 3

S e l e c t O i l T a b l e

P r e s s E N T E R o r U p / D n

M e n u : 3

O i l T a b l e : 5 3 A

A r r o w K e y s t o C h a n g e

E N T E R t o A c c e p t



D155 Density Meter Instruction & Operation Manual

Version 1.1b – August 2014; CANNON® Instrument Company

2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA • 16803 • USA