Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual

Page 74

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has room to slide around inside the paper tray, there's a good chance that this will cause
alignment errors on a large variety of printer models.

Printer Calibration Wizard Intro Page
Printer Calibration Wizard Alignment Page
Printer Calibration Wizard Finish Page

Help Contents

The Printer Calibration Wizard: Alignment Page

On this page of the wizard, you'll enter the horizontal and vertical offsets to account for the
alignment error you measured on the aligment-test sheet that just printed.

Horizontal Adjustment: Unfold the sheet you printed, turn it sideways, and see where the fold
crease crosses the axis labeled "Horizontal Offset". Enter the number you measure in this edit
control. If the fold crease is above the center line, you'll be entering a negative number. If the
crease doesn't have the same offsets on the two grid lines at the edges of the sheet as it does
on the center grid line/axis, it's an indication that your printer feeds paper through itself
crookedly. (Although it could mean that you just didn't fold the sheet perfectly -- check that
first.) If it doesn't feed straight, try using the value at the center of the sheet and then
compensating for the printer's drift with the stretch settings in the Printer Alignment dialog
(accessible by clicking the "Alignment" button on the Print dialog).

Vertical Adjustment: Unfold the sheet you printed, turn it right-side up, and see where the
fold crease crosses the axis labeled "Vertical Offset". Enter the number you measure in this
edit control. If the fold crease is above the center line, you'll be entering a negative number. If
the crease doesn't have the same offsets on the two grid lines at the edges of the sheet as it
does on the center grid line/axis, it's an indication that your printer feeds paper through itself
crookedly. (Although it could mean that you just didn't fold the sheet perfectly -- check that
first.) If it doesn't feed straight, try using the value at the center of the sheet and then
compensating for the printer's drift with the stretch settings in the Printer Alignment dialog
(accessible by clicking the "Alignment" button on the Print dialog).

Print another test sheet with my revised settings: If you check this box, once you click the
"Next" button, the wizard will print another copy of the alignment-test sheet with the horizontal
and vertical adjustments you've entered on this page, so you can see if they produce a
perfectly centered page.

A Few Bonus Calibration Tips:

* Make sure your paper fits snugly in the paper tray! If your paper has room to slide around
inside the paper tray, there's a good chance that this will induce alignment errors. Checking
this could eliminate the need for alignment correction altogether.

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