Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual

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next to the text you clicked on.

Once a text object is selected (it's got the title bar and resize bars), clicking on the text will no
longer let you move the object; instead, it will place the text-editing caret next to the text you
clicked on. If you want to move the object once it's selected, you can do so by clicking on the
text object's title bar and dragging it around.

Clicking on a text object's title bar will not just let you move it; it will also cause the object to go
into "object mode." The editing caret will disappear, and any keystrokes you make will apply to
the object itself instead of the text inside it. If you press the Delete key while you're in object
mode, the entire text object will disappear. If you press Ctrl-x or Ctrl-c, the object will get cut or
copied, respectively. Pressing the arrow keys will move the object. Clicking anywhere inside
the text object will take you out of object mode and back into the normal text-editing mode.

Regardless of what mode a text object's in, once it's selected, you can resize it by clicking on
any of the little red resize bars scattered around its border and then dragging them.

The Text Object Toolbar

When you click on a text object, a toolbar should appear directly underneath it. If it doesn't,
click on the "T" button on the object's toolbar. The buttons on the toolbar serve these functions,
from left to right:

* Setting the typeface
* Setting the font size
* Setting the text color
* Toggling the bold text effect on and off.
* Toggling the italics text effect on and off.
* Launching the text properties dialog,The_Text_Properties_Dialog which lets you edit a
veritable encyclopedia's worth of text properties.
* Editing the object's text (only shows up on the toolbars of text objects with text angles other
than 0 degrees).

Except for the last two buttons, which launch dialogs, all these buttons apply to whatever text
you've currently got selected. If you don't have any text selected, changes you make with
these buttons will apply to all the text in the text object. This is a different behavior from the
majority of text editing programs, which assume that if you don't have any text selected,
changes you make don't apply to any text at all - a behavior that, quite frankly, baffles us. If
you put a CD into the stereo and press the play button without selecting a particular track to
play, your CD player doesn't ignore you - it starts at the beginning and plays the whole CD. If
you walk into a bar and ask for a beer, the bartender won't pretend he didn't hear you just
because you didn't tell him how full you wanted the glass. And if you click the bold button
without any text selected, we're pretty sure you don't mean, "act as if I don't exist." You mean
to change text to bold. And that's what we do for you.

Special Stuff You Can Do With Tracks/Contents Text Objects

Track lists (lists of the track names, artist names, etc. on your CD) are a special type of text

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