Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual
Page 73

If your printer just can't seem to line up your labels correctly on your label sheets, this wizard
can help. It prints a test sheet that helps you measure how much alignment error your printer
has and then automatically compensates for it on future printouts.
Please note that since this wizard works by printing calibration tests on paper, it works well for
handling alignment errors on label paper, but isn't suited for handling alignment errors for CD
trays that you insert into your printer for printing directly onto printable CDs or DVDs. To align
your printable CDs, try using the "Edit Paper Templates" Dialog, which you can access from
the "File" menu.
Printer Calibration Wizard Test-Sheet Page
Printer Calibration Wizard Alignment Page
Printer Calibration Wizard Finish Page
Help Contents
The Printer Calibration Wizard: Print a Test Sheet Page
On this page of the wizard, you'll intialize your printer to print an alignment test sheet that you
can use to measure how far off your printer's alignment is. Once you click the "Next" button,
the wizard will print the alignment test sheet on the printer you've chosen on this page.
Printer: Choose the printer you're testing alignment for. Make sure the printer is turned on and
hooked up to your computer before you click the "Next" button.
Paper Bin: Choose the paper bin that you want your printer to use for printing the alignment
test page.
Properties: Click this button to launch your printer's custom properties dialog, which lets you
set features unique to your printer, such as print quality, ICM management, etc. The alignment
test sheet is a simple black-and-white printout, so it's unlikely that you'll need to make any
adjustments here.
Number of Copies: Decide how many copies of the alignment test sheet you want to print.
Just printing one will help, but printing multiple copies and comparing them will help you
determine whether your printer's alignment is off by a consistent amount or whether it varies
from print job to print job.
If your alignment does vary from sheet to sheet, it's difficult to pick a precise alignment amount
that will work. You might try picking average values and then using the stretch settings on the
Printer Alignment dialog (click the "Alignment" button on the Print dialog to get to the Printer
Alignment dialog).
Paper Size: Choose the paper size that you'll be printing your alignment test sheet on.
One more note on paper alignment: be sure your paper fits snugly in the paper tray, and
there's no space between the edges of the paper and the tray's paper guides. If your paper
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