Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual
Page 41

press F2: selects the text in the field and puts the caret at the end of the text
click the Edit button: selects the text in the field and puts the caret at the end of the text
double-click the text field: selects the text in the field and puts the caret at the end of the text
just start typing: replaces the existing contents of the field with whatever you're typing
If the contents of a field are too wide to fit in the available space in the tracks list, you'll see a
row of periods, like so: … at the end of the field. If you drag the mouse cursor over the field
and let it sit there, a tooltip will pop up that displays the unabbreviated contents of the field.
You can adjust the widths of the different columns in the tracks list by clicking on the borders
between the columns and dragging them. This doesn't affect how wide the columns will be on
any actual labels. You can also double-click on a column header's right boundary to
automatically widen it to fit the widest text in the column.
Like many another dialog, this one has a bunch of buttons. Here's what they all mean:
Add Row: adds a new row to the end of the list.
Remove: removes the currently selected row.
Edit: lets you edit the text of the currently selected item.
Move Up: moves the currently selected row one row up.
Move Down: moves the currently selected row one row down.
Import: this button will only be visible if you're working on an audio CD label. It lets you import
tracks from a playlist file. When you burn a CD, you usually create a playlist file that lists the
songs you burned to the CD. Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker can read most types of playlist
files, including the .cbs files generated by our own Acoustica MP3 CD Burner, and
automatically create a song list for you.
Read CD: this button will be visible if you're working on an audio or data CD or DVD label and
you have a CD/DVD drive attached to your computer. It will attempt to get tracks information
from the CD or DVD in your drive. For audio CDs, if your CD has an entry in cdplayer.ini or
cdburner.ini, the program will use it; if not, it will try to look up a tracks listing for your CD over
the Internet. For data CDs and DVDs, it will just read all the files and folders off the disc.
iTunes: If you've got iTunes installed on your computer, click this button and the Acoustica
CD/DVD Label Maker will attempt to find your iTunes library and read in all your playlists, so
you can import an iTunes playlist to the label maker without having to export it from iTunes
Formatting: This button will only be enabled if you checked the "Display Tracks on Current
Label" option. It launches the Tracks Formatting Dialog,Tracks_Formatting_Dialog which lets
you play with the display attributes of your tracks listing, including layout, fonts, colors, field
display order, and which tracks fields should be visible and which should be hidden.
Done: closes the window.
Display tracks on current label: If you check this box, your tracks will be displayed on
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