Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual
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Paper Type: Lets you choose the type of paper you want to print on. Whenever you choose a
different paper type from this list, the thumbnail underneath the Click on labels to use heading
will display the layout of the paper you've chosen.
Print a border around label: If you check this box, the program will print a thin black border
around the label. This can be handy if you're printing on plain paper and your background has
lots of white in it.
Print fold lines: If you check this box, Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker will print fold lines to
help you fold your labels. You don't need to check this box unless you're printing on plain
paper; most stock paper forms have folds built into the paper. If you check this box for the
jewel case back, the label maker will print lines indicating where to fold the two spines. If you
check this box for the jewel case front/inside, the label maker will print a line indicating where
to fold the front/inside booklet in half. (The box will be disabled for the front/inside label if
you're not printing on a paper type that prints both the front and inside labels on the same side
of the paper.) This checkbox will always be disabled for CD and DVD labels, or for any other
labels that don't have fold lines.
You can set a variety of options for fold lines in
thePreferences_Dialog_Printing_Fold_Lines_Page Preferences Dialog. You can decide
whether you want your fold lines to be solid or dashed lines, whether you want them to be
inside or outside the label, and what color you want them to be.
Crop Label Holes: If you check this box, Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker won't print in the
hole areas of your CDs. This can save ink, but also runs the risk of showing white bands on
your label if your printer alignment is significantly off. However, if you've got non-zero label
stretch settings (the software defaults to 2.0 millimeters) to stretch your label diameter to help
compensate for alignment issues, your hole will also get stretched -- or rather, unstretched. If
your label hole is 41 millimeters in diameter, your stretch setting is 2.0 millimeters, and you've
got Crop Label Holes checked, your printed label will have a 39-millimeter diameter hole.
If you're printing to a printable disc, Crop Label Holes will be automatically disabled and
checked -- for printable discs, you have to crop out the hole, or you'll end up with ink all over
the non-printable hole area of your disc. For the same reason, stretch settings are ignored for
printable discs.
If you're printing a label that doesn't have a hole -- a CD jewel case insert, for instance -- the
Crop Label Holes checkbox won't be visible.
Click on labels to use: If you've chosen a paper type that can print more than one label of the
type you're printing, you can click on the the labels on the thumbnail to choose which of the
paper's labels you want to print on.
Sheets required: Tells you how many sheets you'll need of the paper you've selected, based
on how many copies you're printing and how many of your selected paper type's labels you've
chosen to use.
That arrow pointing to the left: Indicates which edge of the paper displayed in the thumbnail
image you should feed into the printer first.
Print Disc / Print Front/Inside / Print Back: These checkboxes let you choose which labels
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