Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual

Page 27

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Move by (up/down): This allows you to move a label up or down on the page. Units, again,
are in millimeters.

Diameter (mm): This allows you to edit a CD, DVD, or mini-CD's diameter, in millimeters. The
label maker will automatically center your size changes against the original center of the CD.
Which might sound a bit confusing, but just means that if you change your disc diameter from,
say, 118 millimeters to 110 millimeters to fit the type of printable CD you've got, you don't need
to also change the left/right and up/down settings to keep your resized disc from getting printed
off center. It's taken care of already. If this still isn't clear, just try playing with the diameter
setting, and you'll notice that the label's thumbnail in the top half of the dialog stays centered in
the same spot.

Hole Diameter (mm): This allows you to edit the center-hole diameter of a CD, DVD, or mini-
CD. The label maker will automatically center the hole on the disc, no matter what disc or hole
diameters you've set.

Width (mm): Allows you to change the width of a label (for non-CD/DVD labels only; for discs,
you adjust the diameter instead). Units are in millimeters.

Height (mm): Allows you to change the height of a label (for non-CD/DVD labels only; for
discs, you adjust the diameter instead). Units are in millimeters.

Reset: If you mess up your settings so badly that you just want to start over, click the Reset
button and the current label will get reset to its original, unaltered settings. Not that you would
ever need this. This is strictly for our other, less gifted users.

Print a Ruler: If your desk resembles ours, you might have a ruler on it someplace, but who
would ever know? There could be a Yeti under that mountain of stuff, happily using the ruler
for a backscratcher, and it wouldn't surprise you. For people like you (and us), we present the
Print a Ruler button. Click it to print a brand new ruler that you can use for all the fine-grained
calculations that this dialog allows.

OK: Happy with the changes you've made in this dialog? Want to keep them? Then click the
OK button.

Cancel: Having second thoughts? Did you open this dialog and do things that you're afraid
could alter the nature of space & time and unleash gophers from another dimension onto our
unsuspecting planet? Just click the Cancel button, and it'll all go away like a bad dream.

Help: Something tells us you've already figured out what this button does.

When you save changes you've made in this dialog, the label maker saves them in text files
under your "My Documents" folder. In particular, your "My Documents" folder should have an
"Acoustica" subfolder, and the "Acoustica" subfolder should have a "paper align" subfolder.
Here you'll find your adjustments, saved in text files with a .paj extension and a file name
matching the paper type you were editing. If you're running the label maker on multiple
computers and you want to copy your alignment adjustments from this dialog to another
computer, just copy these files and place them in the same folder on the other computer.

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