Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual
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We presume that your CD or DVD has something on it. Not many people make CD labels for
blank CDs - although if that's what you're doing, we certainly have no objections. And not
many people want to type in their tracks list once to display on their disc label, and once again
for the front of their jewel case, and once again for - well, you get the idea. We've created a
special Tracks lThe_Tracks_Windowist so that you can just type in your tracks list once (or let
the program import it for you, if you've got a playlist file), and then display it on whichever
labels you like. If you click the Show Tracks button, the program will display your tracks list on
the current label. If you click it again, Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker will hide your tracks
information. For more information, see the Displaying Text sDisplaying_Textection.
Help Contents
Displaying Text
Text Properties Dialog
The "Edit Text" Window for Angled or Curved Text
The Tracks Dialog
Help Contents
Displaying Text
To display text on a label, create a text object. You can do this by clicking the "new text" button
on Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker's main toolbar or by selecting the "Create a new text
object" item from the Text menu.
One of the biggest quandaries we faced when we were designing the text object control was
how to tell whether you clicked on the text control because you wanted to edit the text or
because you wanted to move the whole blooming object somewhere. It's a sticky issue. We
didn't want to make you go through a series of contortions to switch between object-moving
and text-editing modes. We wanted text editing and object moving and resizing to be available
at the same time. Here's how we dealt with it:
When you left-click on an unselected text object, it will select the object. The object will grow a
title bar, a frame, and a set of resizing bars. If you only wanted to move the object, don't
release the mouse button - you can drag the object anywhere you like until you release the
mouse button. Once you release the mouse button, the program will insert a text editing caret
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