Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual

Page 18

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Selecting this option will bring up a dialog that lets you save the current label as a layout. You
can save whichever elements you like: text fields, colored shapes, and/or images. You can
also specify which label types you want to be able to use this new layout with. Once you've
typed in a name for your new layout and clicked the OK button, your new layout will show up
under the Layouts tab along with all the pre-built layouts that we supplied with the program.
We hope your marvelous new layout won't mind slumming it with all our comparatively
pedestrian pre-supplied ones.

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When you're ready to print your label, click the Print button on the main toolbar or select the
Print item from the File menu. This will launch the Print dialog, unless you're in trial mode and
you've used up your free trial. If that's the case, register Registrationand then come back.

The Print dialog consists of printer-specific information, at the top of the dialog, and label-
specific information, at the bottom of the dialog.

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