Acoustica Mixcraft 7 User Manual

Page 83

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Snap Point Marker

A red vertical line defining the position a clip snaps to in the Main Clip Grid. Set
the Snap Point Marker by clicking and sliding at the marker’s top or bottom (the
cursor will turn into left/right arrows), or by right-clicking and selecting Set As Start
. Right-clicking and selecting Reset Start Time will return the Snap Point
Marker to its original position.

Loop Start

Defines the point where sound playback begins. To position Loop Start, click and
drag at the top of the marker (the cursor will turn into left/right arrows). You can
also set it by right-clicking in the waveform and selecting Set Loop Start.

Loop End

Defines the point where sound playback ends, because all good loops must come
to an end. To position Loop End, click and drag at the top of the marker (the cursor
will turn into left/right arrows). You also set it by right-clicking in the waveform and

Set Loop End.

Loop points can be returned to their original positions by right-clicking and

Reset Loop Points.


Snap To Grid

This determines the snap value when selecting a waveform region, as well as
moving the play insert and loop start/end markers. When set to Grid, items will
snap to the ruler markings in the timeline, directly above the waveform.The ruler
markings vary in size depending upon horizontal zoom level. Grid (Triplets) is best
suited for music with a three feel, i.e. 3/4 or 6/8 time signatures.

Copy Selection To