Audio mixer – Acoustica Mixcraft 7 User Manual
Page 157

By now you’ve probably used the channel volume and pan controls in the track list.
Basic mixes can be created this way, but the Mixer window offers far more creative
options. All audio signals including audio, Virtual Instruments, and effects can be
controlled with great precision using the Mixer window.
Each track is represented by a vertical channel strip containing a volume slider, pan
control, EQ (low, mid, high), insert FX, record arm, solo, and mute buttons, plus an
optional Send knob and Instrument button (some controls vary depending upon the
track type). Keep in mind that tracks in the track list have a one-to-one correlation with
mixer channels; in other words, each newly created track adds a new track in the mixer.
You can check or uncheck tracks beneath the Show Tracks section to the left of the
Mixer. This lets you view only the tracks that are currently being worked with.
Hiding or showing tracks has no effect on audio.
You Send Me… Send
Knob Display In The
You might notice the
red send knob at the
top of channel strips
isn’t always there.
The send knob is only
present if the current
project contains at least
one Send Track. There’s
no limit to how many
Send Tracks a project
can have, but the Mixer
only displays one send
knob. (We didn’t want
to potentially fill your
screen with a never-
ending vertical column
of Send knobs!)
If a project contains
more than one
Send Channel, the
Send Channel selector
drop-down menu at
the left of the Mixer
window selects which
one the red Send knob
currently represents.
This setting is global
for the entire mixer;
in other words, the
Send knobs in the mixer
always ALL display the
same Send Track.