Acoustica Mixcraft 7 User Manual

Page 10

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6. If you don’t have Vista or an ASIO option enabled, select Wave. To reduce latency,
decrease the Number Of Buffers and reduce the Buffer Size. The Latency field will
update – this will entail a bit of trial and error as adjustments are made. Click OK,
then check the quality of audio playback. A setting of 100 milliseconds or less is
tolerable; lower settings of 20 milliseconds or less are preferred.



Windows Version



Windows 7,8
and Vista

The default option. Latency
down to 20 milliseconds.


Windows 7,8

Takes over the computer's
audio, but will work down to
three milliseconds of latency.
This option is available when
WaveRT is selected. Audio from
other programs and Windows
will not work at the same time
that you are in this mode.


XP, Vista, Win 7,
Win 8

Best for playback and recording
synchronization. Must have a
supported ASIO driver for your
sound device.


XP, Vista, Win 7,
Win 8

Only use if absolutely necessary.

If you have a slower computer and experience audible breaks in audio recording or
playback, you may need to increase the latency setting. Alternatively, you may need
to purchase a higher performance sound card or audio system designed with music
recording and playback in mind. Changing the latency will depend on what type of
audio driver is being used. See the Choosing An Audio Driver Type section above for
more information. Another effective speed enhancement is to defragment your hard
drive, or purchase a new hard drive. (Old hard drives can get slow with age.)

Notice the CPU meter on the lower right corner of Mixcraft.

This indicates the amount of CPU resources used by Mixcraft compared to the entire
computer’s CPU usage.

Right On Track
You may notice that
Mixcraft won’t allow
you to drop the loop
on a track with a
little keyboard icon;
that’s because these
are MIDI tracks. Make
sure to drag audio
loops to audio tracks,
i.e. tracks with a little
speaker icon. Mixcraft
actually has a number
of different track
types optimized for
different purposes, but
while we’re in “quick
startville,” we’ll just
concern ourselves with
Audio Tracks, that play
digitized audio, and
MIDI Tracks, that play
note on/off messages.