Acoustica Mixcraft 7 User Manual

Page 43

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Once the Send Track is selected, a knob appears. This sets the amount of signal sent to
the Send Track.

The send level can be set by clicking and dragging the knob up and down. (The mouse
cursor turns into up and down arrows.) You can also set a channels Send Track level by
clicking the Mixer tab at the bottom of the screen and rotating the channel’s Send knob,
but we’ll tell you all about the mixer later on. Keep in mind that numerous tracks can
be sent to the same Send Track. (Check out the To Insert or To Send Effects, That Is
The Question
sidebar for more information.)

The amount of the track’s audio sent to the Send Track can also be adjusted via track
automation. (For more information, see Automation, pg. 43.)

This determines if audio is sent to the Send Track before or after the track’s volume fader.

Pre Volume Adjustment (PRE-Fader Send)

The track’s audio is sent to the Send Track before its own volume adjustments.

Post Volume Adjustment (POST-Fader Send)

The track’s audio is sent to the Send Track after applying its own volume


To change the Send Volume Type, right-click on the channel’s Send knob in the Mixer
or on the Send knob displayed when track automation is visible, and select Send
Volume Type>Pre Volume Adjustment
or Send Volume Type>Post Volume Adjustment.

Mixcraft Send Tracks default to Post Volume Adjustment. This is a sensible choice for
most mix situations, because it means reducing the volume of a track fader proportionally
reduces the volume of the Send Track. There are situations where this behavior isn’t
optimal. For example, if you’d like a dry instrument to be very quiet, but you’d like the
reverbed signal very loud, Pre Volume Adjustment would be a better choice.