Acoustica Mixcraft 7 User Manual

Page 33

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When using Core Audio/Wave RT or Wave audio drivers

, if an audio track is armed

for recording (Arm button will be red), the volume slider turns into a red slider and
allows you to adjust the recording input level. The volume slider will return to its
original position and color when record arming is disabled.

When using the ASIO audio driver

, if an audio track is armed for recording (Arm

button will be red), the volume slider disappears. The volume slider becomes visible
again when record arming is disabled.


The track’s pan control is the small horizontal slider to the left of the track

volume control. Adjust the pan control by clicking and dragging it to the left or
right. Pan is adjustable from 100% left to 100% right. The pan controls default to
center position – this means that the sound is equally balanced between the left and
right channels. Track panning can also be set in the main window drop-down menu
Track>Properties>Set Pan>Set Exact Value … This menu is also accessible by
right-clicking a track.

Tip: For finer and more accurate adjustment, hold down ALT, SHIFT, or CTRL
while dragging the pan slider.


Tracks can be temporarily silenced by clicking the track Mute button.

Once muted, the solo button will turn green.

The currently selected track can also be muted using the shortcut CTRL+M,
or by right-clicking the track and selecting Properties>Mute.


To hear a single track’s audio, click the Solo button. Multiple tracks may be

soloed. For example, to hear how the bass and guitar sound together without drums,
solo the bass and guitar tracks. Once soloed, the track’s solo button turns green.

The currently selected track can also be soloed using the shortcut CTRL+L,
or by right-clicking the track and selecting Properties>Solo.