Acoustica Mixcraft 7 User Manual
Page 67

Keyboard Modifiers
Add Points:
Hold the CTRL key down and click to add points anywhere
on the sound.
Move Line:
Hold the SHIFT key down and click down on an automation line
to move the line up or down.
Delete Points:
Hold the ALT key down and click points to remove or delete them.
Setting Exact Value
Precise values can be set by right-clicking on the point and choosing Edit Exact
This opens a dialog box where exact number values can be entered.
Fades, Boosts, and Reductions
Though these sound like procedures rich ladies get done, these are actually
shortcuts that add multiple envelope points at a time. Select an area of a sound
and choose one of the following predefined options from the Sound menu in the
Main Window:
Sound>Envelopes>Fade Out
Sound>Envelopes>Fade In
Clip Volume
Volume can be set to values from 0% to 200% (-Inf dB to +6 dB).
Clip Pan
Pan is the volume balance between the left and right channel (i.e. left and right
speaker). By automating pan settings, sounds can move from left to right or
vice-versa. Pan can be set to values from 100% left to 100% right.
In addition to changing the volume and pan of a sound over time, Mixcraft’s low pass
and high pass filters allow filtering to change over time.
What Is A Low Pass Filter?
A low pass filter is an audio filter that literally allows low frequencies to “pass” while
removing (or “filtering out”) high frequencies. A low pass filter has a cutoff value, such
that every frequency below the cutoff can be heard, and every frequency above the
cutoff is reduced or removed entirely from the audio. For example, if you use a low
pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 2000 Hz, every frequency below 2000 Hz will be
heard in full, but every frequency above 2000 Hz will be reduced or removed entirely.
The low pass filter in Mixcraft is a resonant filter. This means that in addition to the
cutoff value, there is also a value for the amount of resonance. Simply put, resonance