360 Systems MAXX-6T User Manual
Page 32

Page 32
MAXX 6T Owner’s Manual
Beginning Recording
When the steps outlined above in “Setting up for Recording” are done, you are ready to record.
Place Channel 1 in the Record Ready mode as follows.
A. From the Channel 1 Transport Window, Select FILE->NEW. The dialog of Figure 9 appears.
Figure 9 - Channel 1 Clip Navigator "New" mode
B. Note the Folder Structure in the FOLDERS window to the left. If you have not added any
folders (Refer to Organizing Clips on Page 44) no folders will be shown. If you have already
created a folder structure you can select the destination folder for your clip at this time by
clicking on the folder you want it to be placed in. You can always move or copy it later as
C. Enter a clip name using the keyboard. You may use up to 31 characters. Spaces may be used;
however, some characters other than upper or lower case letters and numbers may not be
used. These characters will not enter into the name field when typed. They include * ( ) + =
; : ‘ “ < > , . / and ? A list of existing clips will appear in the large window, and can be used
as a name reference when creating new clip names.
Note: File naming is case sensitive. Upper case letters sort before lower case. The name FILE sorts
in the order shown, based on differing capitalization: FILE, File, fiLe, and file. When using the
Image Server with automation systems or other remote controls, it is not a good practice to
distinguish files only by differences in case.