CANOGA PERKINS 9161 Network Interface Device User Manual
Page 35
Using the Software
9161 Network Interface Device User’s Manual
Managing Security
3. To add a user, type 2, or to edit an existing user, type 1, and press
Username and follow the prompts on the Edit User Account screen to enter values or
Account State: enabled or disabled
Access From: UI, SNMP, or all (UI/SNMP)
UI indicates access through Telnet, Console, SSH, FTP, or SFTP, and
requires additional parameter setup
SNMP enhances security and requires additional parameter setup; for
details, see the documentation for your SNMPv3 application and server
Access level: Supervisor, Operator, or Observer
Description: optional; up to 17 characters
UI Password: password that allows access through Telnet, Console, SSH, FTP, or
SFTP; 8 to 15 characters
UI Password Expires: Yes or No
UI Password Expires in (days): 0 (never) to 365
Allow UI Lockout of User: Yes or No; can disable access for this user after exces
sive failed attempts to log in
Allow UI Logout of User: Yes or No; can automatically log user out after excessive
UI Logout Locked State: shows current state as Locked, Unlocked, Logged out,
or Logged in
SNMPv3 Authentication Protocol: MD5, SHA, or None; sets how to authenticate
the user
SNMPv3 Authentication Password: password that generates the authentication
key for the user if the authentication protocol is MD5 or SHA; 8 to 15 characters.
SNMPv3 Authentication Key: Shows the key that authenticates the user for MD5
or SHA Authentication Protocol; this is generated automatically for the Authentica-
tion Password, but can be changed if the user's host uses a different Authentica-
tion Key generation algorithm; 16 Hex characters for MD5 protocol or 20 Hex
characters for SHA protocol.
SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol: DES or None; sets the protocol for encryption
SNMPv3 Privacy Password: password that generates the encryption key for the
user if the privacy protocol is DES; 8 to 15 characters
SNMPv3 Privacy Key: Shows the key that encrypts messages for DES Privacy
Protocol; this is generated automatically for the Privacy Password, but can be
changed if the user's host uses a different Privacy Key generation algorithm; 16
Hex characters