Mz-2000 midi implementation – Casio MZ-2000 User Manual

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MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation

3.3.2 MZ-2000 Sound Source System Exclusive Overview

System exclusive messages received by the MZ-2000 sound source start with the following data.


F0H 44H 7EH 02H 00H .... 7FH

Though the purpose of system exclusive messages is mainly to assign parameters, the MZ-2000

also sends system exclusive messages whenever an operation that changes the setting of a param-

eter is performed.

A system exclusive message also includes a Device ID value, which corresponds to the channel

number of a channel message. A Device ID is used when a system exclusive message is sent.

You can change the Device ID value on the MZ-2000.

See "4 MZ-2000 Sound Source System Exclusive Messages" for full details on MZ-2000 sound

source system exclusive messages.

4 MZ-2000 Sound Source System Exclusive Messages

4.1 MZ-2000 Sound Source Common System Exclusive Format

4.1.1 General

The MZ-2000 sound source consists of audio signal processor sections for the tone generator,

effects, mixer, etc.

The MZ-2000 sound source sends and receives sound source-related system information, param-

eters, and parameter sets, using the format described later in this chapter.

The format consists of a header block and data block. The same header block is always used

within the MZ-2000, but the format of the data block is determined by the data being communi-


The data content, in turn, depends on the MS-2000 function. The following sections of this chap-

ter provide detailed information about the data content for each function.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Header Block (Hexadecimal)



[System Exclusive Status]



[Manufacturer's ID] CASIO ID = 44H



[Model ID MSB] MZ-2000 Sound Source Model-ID MSB



[Model ID LSB] MZ-2000 Sound Source Model-ID LSB



[Message Version]



[SysEx Dev ID] SysEx Device ID 00H to 1FH,7FH (Default: 16)

Even with system exclusive messages, channel numbers can be specified within the

range of 00H to 1FH for use as a Device ID number.

Messages are ignored if their ID Device ID number does not match that of the MZ-


A Universal Device ID of 7FH is provided, which means that the MZ-2000 always

recognizes any SysExc message with a Device ID of 7FH.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Data Block (Format depends on content.)



[Message Type] (Category / Action)



[Data] (Not required when a Handshak Bulk Dump Reject value is present.)




nn-1 **

[Checksum] (Option) Required for Bulk Dump only.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




(nn < 256) Indicates there are 256 data bytes or less from F0H to F7H.

4.1.2 MZ-2000 Sound Source Common System Exclusive Data Blocks

The MZ-2000 sound source system exclusive data block always starts with the message type,

which indicates the type of communication is being performed. Messages can be broadly classi-

fied into the types listed below.

* Individual Parameter Send/Receive

* Individual Parameter Send Request Send/Receive

* One-Way Parameter Set Bulk Send/Receive

* One-Way Parameter Set Bulk Send Request Send/Receive

* Handshake Parameter Set Bulk Send/Receive

* Handshake Parameter Set Bulk Send Request/Receive Rejection/ Error Report Send/Receive

With one-way communication, the sender sends the data and immediately ends the session with-

out any response from the receiver. This type of communication is best for one-way data transfer

from a sequencer, etc.

With handshake protocol, the sender sends the data but does not advance to the next session until

it receives a response from the receiver. This type of communication helps to reduce time wasted

waiting for the receiver to become ready.

About Message Types


aaaa Action(Binary)

- - - -

0000...IPC Individual Parameter Change (Individual Parameter Send)

0001...IPR Individual Parameter Request (Individual Parameter Send Request)

0010...BDS One Way Bulk Dump Send (One Way Data Send)

0011...BDR One Way Bulk Dump Request (One Way Data Send Request)

0100...HDS Handshake Bulk Dump Send (Handshake Data Send)

0101...HDR Handshake Bulk Dump Request (Handshake Data Send Request)

0110...HDA Handshake Bulk Dump Acknowledge (Handshake Data Send Request)

0111...HDJ Handshake Bulk Dump Reject (Handshake Data Rejection)

1000...HDE Handshake Bulk Dump Error (Handshake Data Error)

1111...NOP No operation (No Operation)

ccc Category

- - -

100...MZ-2000 Instrument Section (Sound Source)

4.1.3 Parameter Configuration

A parameter is a variable for making sound source operational settings, while a parameter set is a

group of multiple parameters.

When using the MZ-2000 sound source system exclusive messages to access parameters and

parameter sets, you must specify the location of data you are trying to access. The following

shows the location of each type of data.

* Category (4 bits) ....Parameter set category

* Type ID (7 bits - 7 bits).....ID number inside parameter set category

* Mdev ID (7 bits - 7 bits) ..... ID number of memory where parameter set is stored

* Section Number (14 bits) ..... Section number indicating where a parameter set is stored in


* PS (Parameter Set) Number (14 bits)....Number indicating where inside a section a parameter

set is stored

* Parameter ID (For parameter specification only)(16 bits) ....ID number of a parameter inside a

parameter set

* Parameter Block Number (For parameter specification only) (7 bits* 1 to 16)

....Block number to which a parameter is attached inside a parameter set

In a structure where parameters with the same parameter ID are assigned to multiple blocks

within the same parameter set, the block numbers must be specified specified using at least one

as as many as 16 array data items.

The parameter blocks of the sound source parts and key numbers are a typical example of this.

When there are parameters with the same ID for the key numbers in each part, a single param-

eter can be specified to substitute the part number and key number for at least one of the Block

Number arrays.

Exactly how many of these values there are is covered within the explanations for each parameter.

There are two parameter formats, depending on the parameter ID: single data and array data.

Array data is sent by specifying the starting element and the number of elements to be sent.