Manual-26 – Rane SR 4 User Manual
Page 26

Stored Parameter List (SPL)
Below is a table of stored parameters followed by descriptions of each parameter.
Index Description
Range of Values
Factory Setting Meaning
Auto Level
0 – 1
disabled - enabled
Auto Selection - Knob Push & Turn
0 – 1
disabled - enabled
Auto Lock
0 – 1
disabled - enabled
Baud Rate
0 – 4
0 = 9600, 1 = 19200, 2 = 38400, 3 = 57600, 4 = 115200
RW 485 Transmit Delay
2 – 200
2 - 200 ms
Maximum Number of Selections
1 – 8
1 – 8 Selections, ignored if SPL 2 & 9 disabled.
Knob Push & Turn Selection Roll
0 – 1
disabled - enabled
Knob Push & Turn Update on Release
0 – 1
disabled - enabled
Auto Selection - Knob Bump
0 – 1
disabled - enabled
Knob Bump Update Timer
0 – 5
0 - 5 seconds, ignored if SPL 9 disabled.
Parameter Descriptions
1. Auto Level configuration affects the result of turning the encoder. Turning the
encoder without pushing it in updates the command state to an Encoder Left for a
counter clockwise turn or an Encoder Right for a clockwise turn unless the device
is locked. If Auto Level is enabled (a value of 1), the level is updated and indicated
by the encoder LED as well. The Auto Level configuration also affects the Encoder
Input Commands IS and ISR. See Encoder Input Commands section for details.
2. Auto Selection - Knob Push & Turn configuration affects the result of turning the
encoder while it is pushed in. Turning the encoder while pushing it in updates the
command state to a Selection Left for a counter clockwise turn or a Selection Right
for a clockwise turn unless the device is locked. If Auto Selection is enabled (a
value of 1), the selection is updated and indicated by the column of LEDs as well.
The configuration of this parameter also affects the Encoder Input Commands IS
and ISR. See Encoder Input Commands section for details.
3. Auto Lock configuration affects the operation of the device when the lock input is
shorted to -V. If the device is configured for Auto Lock (a value of 1) and the Lock
input is shorted to -V, the encoder is locked out regardless of the software lock
status (see ILK command). If the device is not configured for Auto Lock (a value of
0), the Lock input is ignored and the encoder’s lock state is defined by the software
lock status.
4. This parameter sets the baud rate of the device. When this parameter is changed
via a RW 485 message, the response is sent at the current baud rate, then the baud
rate is updated to the new baud rate specified by the value sent. The default setting
of 38400 is required for use with Rane controllers (i.e., RPM 88/44/22). It can be
restored by holding the encoder in during power-up for several seconds until the
encoder LED turns on.